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Garrison Hate?

Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 17:24
by Sonick
I dont understand why so many people hate garrisons. I personally love them. I would rather not have to be around the bs that is stormwind or ironforge auction house / bank area. On another note, I highly dislike the idea of class halls. I would have liked to see guild garrisons instead.

Re: Garrison Hate?

Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 17:29
by Proof
Eh some people are social creatures. Some aren't. I think thats where the majority of the distaste for them came from. Personally I've made more gold from garrisons this expac than I've made from every other expansion combined. Idk maybe I'm one of the few who likes gold.

Re: Garrison Hate?

Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 17:38
by Dillweed
Garrisons were a good idea in the sense that each player had their own little village, but they isolated a lot of players from the world around them. I definitely feel like it takes the massively multiplayer out of the MMO. It wasn't executed correctly and that is why people don't like the feature.
I don't mind hanging out in cities around other people. One of my best memories in WoW was hanging out in dalaran with both factions able to interact.

Re: Garrison Hate?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 00:40
by Aronsdk
just afking or running around in circles(literally) in my garrison or town hub, makes no difference to me!

Re: Garrison Hate?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 07:17
by Tyronian
The gold-making bonanza has been a double edged sword for me. Like Proof, I've made a shitton of gold this xpac, but I can't say I've enjoyed doing it. The thing that eventually bothered me about the garrison was that the rewards (gold) were just too good to pass up for fairly low time investment. The thing is, though, that even if the time investment is low (running missions, collecting profession hut mats, etc.) it's still boring as hell. Like, so, so, so boring. Yet I've felt compelled to do it (I've heard other says they found the garrison "punishing," i.e., if you don't do your garrison chores you feel like you're doing it wrong, missing out, and being punished for it).

I'll be happy when we're out of WoD and into Legion. I'll also be happy I've stashed 5mil gold.

Re: Garrison Hate?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 08:54
by Noodleshot
DAOC style housing ftw imo....

Re: Garrison Hate?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 09:37
by Skeletor
garrison i love it it my personal money maker , personal parcore playground , raid supply warehouse , epic party hosting area , my personal castle grayskull , sexual hot spot if u ever walked in to my garry ul know what i mean XD and my mission to have sex in every single place/hiding spot from the floor to the roof to a tree to a bush wink wink chariss XD


Re: Garrison Hate?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 10:00
by Proof
I mean a lot of people seem to enjoy the social aspect of the game. Being in cities and what not. Before WoD you were forced to endure the cities. Now you can be social when you want to be social. The cities were nice but I never missed the "GOLD FOR MY MOUNT PLEASE!" or people opening trade with you left and right. I understand there are features to negate this but if I want to crossgamble or actually trade someone I have to waste time turning them on and off.

I really enjoyed being social on my own time when I felt like it instead of being forced to when I want to get something done. The gold making was definitely a plus.