7 Days to Die

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7 Days to Die

Post#1 » 22 May 2017, 19:50

Anyone playing this? Cremate and I just snagged it, super frustrating first hour or two, but after that I'm hooked... sneaking in as much time as I can....

Only $10 on humble bundle too, not sure if that sale is still on or not.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post#2 » 24 May 2017, 18:10

DUDE!!! that game is pretty good. once you set up a base completely, it gets pretty fun. those hordes are no fun when you can't really defend yourself too well, unless you can build a bike and just ride until sunrise. XD


Re: 7 Days to Die

Post#3 » 16 Jun 2017, 12:55

Awesome game. VERY addictive lol.

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