Black Desert Online

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Posts: 170

Re: Black Desert Online

Post#16 » 02 Mar 2016, 16:25

Slaine wrote:
Thirdeye wrote:Looks like a cool game, although once again people are hyping it up that its going to kill wow (kungen) which ends up always ruining the game. Would like to try it tho

KUNGEN is a fucking retarded mongoloid that lives off of his past "fame" where he was in a top world guild. The guy is a wash up douchebag and talks allot of shit but always comes back to wow because u know. Wow = Crack.

All he does is talk about how wow is easy now and how "hard" it was back in the stone age and how much better he thinks he is than other tanks in today's top world guilds. The guy reminds me of a old fkn man sitting on the porch telling war stories to the little children who are bored out of their fucking minds and have nothing better to do with their time then amuse the easily amused.

I almost feel sorry him...well not rly.

Dude slaine, spot on lol...kungen is washed up and all he talks about is how he was so good in "vanilla" he is very self conceited and ALWAYS talks shit on wow, we will see him in legion :D

Guild Friend
Guild Friend
Posts: 170

Re: Black Desert Online

Post#17 » 10 Mar 2016, 15:39

So, has anyone actually bought/played this yet? I watched some streams the day it went live and it looked pretty cool. Also like a humongous time-sink so I'll probably avoid it. But I'm curious if anyone's tried it and what they think.

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