Humble Bundle and Steam Deals

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Humble Bundle and Steam Deals

Post#1 » 22 Dec 2011, 11:05

I've said this in guild probably already but it is just so awesome that I need to repeat it.

These guys are amazing! If you love indie games then this is the website for you. They give out a bunch of indie games and you pay as much as you want for them! If you pay more than the average amount of others which is usually like 5 bucks then you get 2 extra games as well and they also just recently added their past deals in there as well. For $5.50 you get 12 indie games.

The best part about this website is that majority of the money goes to charities. You can choose on the page how much you want to give to the developers, the charities, and the website hosts.


If you are a Steam user you probably have seen recently that they are having a huuuge winter deal.

They are also having a giveaway. Everyday there are new achievements for specific games and when you complete them you get either a gift or a piece of coal. A gift can range from getting a percent of your next purchase to a free copy of a game. These free copies of games can vary from indie games to brand new games such as Assassin's Creed or Skyrim.

Getting coal is not a bad thing either! The coal puts you into a raffle and at the end of the event they will pick random people for a chance to win games!

3rd Place: 1000 people get all Valves games(I got this last Spring from the Potato pack)
2nd Place: 100 people get their top 5 wishlist games
1st Place: 50 people get their top 10 wishlist games

Right now I only have like 4 pieces of coal and a few 25% off for some games... I definitely want to get more coal though!!

If anyone wants to trade with me I got a few things to trade... I just really want more coal!!

I am done typing now... I get very excited over Steam deals...

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