Challenge Mode: Golds

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Re: Challenge Mode: Golds

Post#31 » 04 Feb 2016, 16:02

Blind should work

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Re: Challenge Mode: Golds

Post#32 » 11 Feb 2016, 13:52

Any idea when we'll be doing these again? I had thought we were going to try and do them yesterday, but I could have been mistaken. I've got mouseovers and new gear to rock these with meow.


Re: Challenge Mode: Golds

Post#33 » 11 Feb 2016, 16:41

tonight @7 hopefully. I had to miss last night because I had plans, but I will be on tonight if we can get a crew together. Study up on Blood Mines/Iron docks as those would be the next ones we will do. For reference, I like this guys videos the most (mostly because he cracks me up) ... 1yqIt8_U8g

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Re: Challenge Mode: Golds

Post#34 » 11 Feb 2016, 19:21

As I mentioned last week, every other wednesday and thursday is tricky for me, i can never know what time i'll actually be home.

If you guys can get a group together, don't wait for me, go for it.

...AKA Flaystation AKA Madcat AKA Thunder
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Re: Challenge Mode: Golds

Post#35 » 12 Feb 2016, 10:17

You're right, you did say that. I completely forgot that you'd mentioned that. Oops.

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Re: Challenge Mode: Golds

Post#36 » 12 Feb 2016, 11:23

We came close 4x to getting gold on Bloodmaul. I think we just need to work out a better way of using dark sim on the last boss. I should have used it pulling the boss but as I was not the tank I hesitated and that is my fault. Next time i'll call it and pull with it.
Matamage -120
Matamonk - BrM/WW - 120
Mata - Prot/Fury - 120
Matabear - Guardian/Feral -110
Matadin - Prot/Ret - 120
Matadh - Vengeance/Havoc - 120
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Matashami - Ele/Enh - 120
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Re: Challenge Mode: Golds

Post#37 » 12 Feb 2016, 11:40

We were getting to the last boss with like five minutes of time to spare even with my garbage ele shaman haha. I have some family things this weekend so I won't be on but you guys should be able to hop in there and get gold in very few pulls. Hopefully shock can go with you guys but if not, I was talking with the monk after and it would have made more sense for me just to heal on my shaman/pally and have T go boomy. Grip + solar beam would have negated that pull before the first boss, and the pull before the cauldron boss after the gauntlet. Anyways good luck if you guys run it this weekend!

edit: after reviewing my video of the stream, I was canceling my Fire ele totem on every boss fight hahaha I kept dropping searing totem and deleting my Fire ele totem before it could do damage . I was also spec'ed into Primal Elementalist so RIP all my damage during bosses. Sorry guys, I haven't played my shaman since it hit lvl 100 in PVE hahah So Mata it wasn't just your dark sim that was hindering the deeps :oops:


Re: Challenge Mode: Golds

Post#38 » 18 Feb 2016, 20:51

I would love to come on my hunter or my feral druid ^-^ I know pretty well how to do them.

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Re: Challenge Mode: Golds

Post#39 » 19 Feb 2016, 16:28

would love to go on either my monk or my hunter pip lol just need to figure out when id be available -.-

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Re: Challenge Mode: Golds

Post#40 » 19 Feb 2016, 19:43

Stormstout wrote:would love to go on either my monk or my hunter pip lol just need to figure out when id be available -.-

We have been filling with one pug so you are welcome to come. Please make sure you have consumables and as much cm bis for your class/spec.
Matamage -120
Matamonk - BrM/WW - 120
Mata - Prot/Fury - 120
Matabear - Guardian/Feral -110
Matadin - Prot/Ret - 120
Matadh - Vengeance/Havoc - 120
Matadk - Blood/Unholy - 120
Matashami - Ele/Enh - 120
Matapretre - 110
Bigevils - 120

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