A Settling of Accounts (RP)

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A Settling of Accounts (RP)

Post#1 » 22 Jul 2016, 20:02

<<Alright this takes place about a year ago give or take a few months, we've progressed from Wrath, to Cata, to now mid WOD, next one will be in the present. Tried a new writing technique here, hope you all enjoy it. For those of you playing catch up, just look up my name for past RPS.>>

Icecrown Citadel
Icecrown, Nothrend

Up here at the top of the Citadel was where once the elite of the elite made their claim to fame, to destroy Arthus, to destroy the Lich King. While forces unknown to him resurrected him, Arthus in some strange ghostly fashion continued to rule the undead. Up here at what appeared to be the top of the world there was always a sense of cloud cover. It only enhanced Arthus's own feeling that he was a god above any other normal monarch.

Walking through that mist, he saw a lone warrior. There was something in his walk, no fear, no compassion, just a sense of savagery that few possessed. The warrior's lips seemed locked in a snarl. The gold armor seemed to blend into the ice covered ground, if only he didn't contras so much with the black storm clouds. A pair weapons crossed on his back, the white wolf fur cloak behind him fluttered in the wind, "This is the end of the road Arthus Menethil! Today I will have justice! It took more power than you can imagine to resurrect me, but I am back!"

As Tirion Fordring prattled on about justice, and champions, Arthus locked his glaze on this warrior, "Do I know you warrior? Who are you to challenge me in my own keep without any kind of aid?"

"I am Packhunter, Marshal of the Armed Forces of the Alliance! I have had to fight to reclaim who I am after my last battle with you Arthus, my friends and comrades watched as you impaled me with Frostmourne! Then with your inhuman powers you threw me so hard I landed in Elwynn Forest far from here, where everyone I assumed I died."
Drawing a sword, and some kind of axe, his eyes locked on Arthus Packhunter continued, "Well after today Frostmourne will be broken, and I will be whole Lich King!"

With almost a distracted gesture, Arthus froze Tirion Fordring as he descend down the stairs, "So be it, Packhunter, this time when you die at my blade, it will be for good."

Flame sprouted from behind Packhunter as he charged at the Lich King, and the sword parried, but the axe, that infuriating axe actually chipped Fronstmorne! For each blow he blocked, Arthus felt two slip by and actually hurt him! How could one warrior inflict this much damage, he felt the sword actually cut him! It had been ages since he felt anything, why of all things was it pain he had to feel. Frostmorne was hard pressed to hold the axe at bay. He had to fall back, striding towards the center of the top of his keep, he summoned ice, and the winds undreamed of by mortals. Like a force of nature, Packhunter kept coming.

Holding up his communication crystal, Packhunter contacted Redwing, "Redwing, I need counter-ice offensive, as I deal with Arthus, deploy forces as you deem fit to keep the ice off of me, we're all going home today if it's the last thing we do! "

Turning his glaze to the clouds above him for a moment, he saw Redwing leading several mounts loyal to him to try and slow down the wind, and take the ice so he could finish his mission. Each step he took forward felt like it was taking an eternity. Reaching Arthus Packhunter continued to hammer at the Lich King, he knew this monster's moves and knew he to counter them. If experience had taught him one thing, it was experience was good, but luck was better. He could feel the power in Shadowmourne grow, and then fill him with energy as the battle raged on.

Was this how the people he had slaughtered on his path to becoming the Lich King felt as he now felt. Each blow weakening him more, each countermove proving to be too little too late. Somewhere in his mind Arthus Methenil was watching how Packhunter fought, and came to two conclusions. First though some kind of magic nothing was what it appeared to be the with this warrior, and second he was one of the handful of survivors of Lordareon. It would take someone like him to realize the signs that this was a warrior from that now fallen kingdom. A step here, the way he handled a weapon there, and a slice there as he made contact and wounded him.

The cold was digging into his armor, he could feel it creep into those cracks, and sting at him, it distracted him, it was the thousand little deaths. He knew Red Wing would do everything he could to keep him alive. A ball of energy exploded near him sending him flying into the air, he barely made the jump to keep in this fight. For one moment he felt daunted as he looked up on the Lich King, he knew in another time what he was doing would be considered treason.

So close Arthus thought, it looks like this Packhunter had one more trick up his sleeve, a shame, but this close to the edge, all it would take is one misstep and either gravity or Frostmorne impaling this warrior would end it. As weapons clashed he saw it, but saw it too late, Packhunter leaned back as Frostmorne went wide over him, and then brought up his own axe and shattered the legendary sword. Before he could even consider his next move, a small sliver of Frostmorne went spinning and impaled him square in the throat ending his immortal life. As death claimed him he saw all the souls he had claimed with Frostmorne, including his late father's...

As the souls encircled them both, Packhunter felt it, but didn't know how but during his own resurrection years ago, it was incomplete. The Lich King's weapon had held onto it for all this time until Shadowmorne was complete, and with its opposite bring shattered, he could feel additional memories coming back along with a sense of purpose. He was still himself enough to acknowledge the three dignitaries who came here to congratulate him on his victory. As he looked at the locket from the Lady Proudmore, he couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if Arthus's love for her had ruled him over his quest to defeat a foe he would become...

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Re: A Settling of Accounts (RP)

Post#2 » 22 Jul 2016, 20:12

epic post pack keep up the good work looking forward to the next one you make :)

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Re: A Settling of Accounts (RP)

Post#3 » 23 Jul 2016, 15:50

I misread "A selling of accounts" lol

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Re: A Settling of Accounts (RP)

Post#4 » 26 Jul 2016, 06:18

Clutchfear wrote:I misread "A selling of accounts" lol

As an author, I can't be held accountable if the reading audience can not read what I wrote:(

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Re: A Settling of Accounts (RP)

Post#5 » 26 Jul 2016, 23:47

Ah, that is completely fine. I am a professional dumbass sometimes so ignore me :)

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