Welcoming the Legion (RP)

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Welcoming the Legion (RP)

Post#1 » 27 Aug 2016, 20:07

<<As a Star Trek author once wrote before a novel she had published. The most dangerous words to an author are What If..., and off you go to the races. My own came when I realized how many Doomsayers were around Stormwind. As always enjoy, I wrote this up between coffee, candy and more coffee as I drove 1800 miles in 3 days for work. Took me less than a day to type it all down.>>

Packhunter's Command
Shadowmoon Valley, Dreanor
33 years ago

Various adventurers had various ways to prepare for the upcoming battle with the Burning Legion. It was the first time in their conflict with the mortal world that these demons from parts unknown would be in such direct contact with their foes. While some went for better gear, rare mounts, and so forth. Packhunter had chosen to work on his knowledge of Dreanor and his fishing...

He looked as relaxed as anyone could be. He was laid out in front of the fishing pond on a bench. His head and feet were on top of several pillows, provided to him by the some children in his command who he had paid to fetch them. If you listened you could hear him caste his line and retrieve his catch. He has been at it for a while since Ante Meridiem guild bank was bursting at the gills with all the fish he had caught.

As one of his duties as Captain of the Guards, Pheatus had to escort new parties before Packhunter if they were not on the list of groups welcome at his garrison. There was about fifty of them, wearing robes of red, purple and some yellow, they were of various Alliance and Horde races. They had called themselves "The People of the New Light of Azeroth" and had felt Packhunter was a man with sufficient influence to help rally more people to their cause.
With his helmet covering his upper face to help block the sun, Packhunter didn't even turn to face them before using his left hand to signal Pheatus to let one step forward, and he said, "Come forward gnome take a seat beside me, speak your piece, and be of peace." It was a bit of shock to this group of travelers that Packhunter had identified their emissary without hearing a word from them, or even looking up at them.

The pudgy bald gnome did as he was instructed, and he began to speak. It was rather odd in a sense, Pheatus was used to seeing Packhunter being so focused, so aggressive. Instead it seemed Packhunter was permitting the little gnome to prattle. He never stopped fishing, never looked at anything but the inside of his helmet, but he listened. The gnome went on for fifteen minutes became thirty, thirty became an hour. It was at the two hour mark that Packhunter finally reacted, in an almost casual manner as the gnome was still blathering on, he reached for a sword behind him with his left hand, and then promptly decapitated him with one stroke of the sword in a rather casual manner. Getting up now to confront the remaining forty nine guests he placed both his swords behind him, and his helmet slide into place covering part of his face and head.

A night elf stepped forward, his jaw seemed to touch the floor and his eyes seem to bulge in the shock that Packhunter had killed their speaker in such a causal manner, "Are you mad man? Look what you've done!"

In the same relaxed manner things had progressed so far Packhunter responded, "Let's drop the act. I know you are Doomsayers, representing the Burning Legion hoping to convince us mere mortals to lay down our arms and die when they invade. Your now late friend said he was ready to die when the time was right, in fact all of you believe that according to him. Who is to say he wasn't destine to die now?"

"Do you plan to kill us all, not very sporting forty nine of us and two of you my lord. Since I doubt you two can kill us all."

Shaking his head Packhunter responded, "Far from it, Pheatus go have the main gates closed, and tell your guards to break out a casket of ale on my orders."

Down to one verse forty-nine the Doomsayers were quiet confused, then from around his neck Packhunter picked up his communication crystal and held it close to his lips, "This is Packhunter to Metroplex, Enterprise, and Skeletor's Revenge. We have an invasion of forty nine hostiles, I want you to land fifteen, that is one five followers, provide them with air support, and bombardment. Hostiles have been marked, good luck and good hunting!"

If before the night elf seemed shocked, Packhunter's orders did nothing to improve his disposition. Various navel alarms could be heard along with planes taxing, "Are you looking to be arrested for murder my lord! We are but speakers of a new truth."

"Well actually, let's look things over," in the distance the blast of battleship grade navel guns could be heard, "This is my land, so my word is law. Your now late emissary did say many times you were all ready to die for your respective gods, and let's not forget how your new truth had King Wynn killed, I don't see the Alliance brining me up on charges of murder. " he said with a hint of humor in his voice, and at that very moment the first navel shells landed promptly between Packhunter and the Doomsayers, showering both with dirt and debris.

Returning the crystal to his mouth Packhunter said, "Packhunter to Metroplex, your fire is off by two feet. Aim two feet south of me!"

Any doubts that Packhunter was bluffing vanished when the first round of navel fire hit. Above them now fighters began to strafe them with fire. And like rats who saw they all did entirely different things, as a parting piece of advice Packhunter advised them to not jump off the cliffs since he knew the Metroplex's sharp shooters would snip at them from the deck.

It took about half an hour, but some did flee the base abandoning their robes in the process along with their lives. Others stood in one place and accepted death, while a few crazy ones tried to fight the ones attacking them. Once it was all done, Pheatus returned to Packhunter, "Was this really required my Lord? I mean you could've had them escorted off the base. If they resisted we could've used more men."

Looking down at the body of the gnome he had killed Packhunter said in a hushed voice, "It was necessary old friend, those who survived saw the foolishness in their ways. Anyone who has fought on the front lines as long as us knew this
truth long before they were converted into Doomsayers."

"This is the path of Arathus Packhunter, you know that right?" was Pheatus seeing the birth of a new Lich King, a new future Death Knight?

"I did read about the slaughter in Strathome, how Arathus destroyed a city to save it. I was actually there and in my own time portal forward in a strange sense of time travel..."

"And?" demanded Pheatus, he had to know what his friend was thinking.

"And, I hope anyone who reviews my actions realizes I did have ligament targets killed, and I did what I saw was best given the circumstances in play. It might be only the survivors loved ones who realise by killing a few I saved the rest in the future."

Nodding, Pheatus asked, "What are to be done with the bodies my Lord?"

"Have them returned to their respective peoples, hopefully more can learn from their deaths, and more unneeded deaths can be avoided. Pheatus before you go, could you do one more thing for me?"

"Certainly my Lord."

"Send my compliments to the command of Enterprise. They were fast to deploy, and despite some hard angels, none of her fighters crashed."

With a sharp military salute Pheatus said right away, and was off. While Packhunter put the swords on the back of the bench, broke out his fishing rode, and returned to his fishing.
Last edited by Packhunter on 28 Aug 2016, 10:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Welcoming the Legion (RP)

Post#2 » 27 Aug 2016, 20:52

pack my good friend i enjoy reading ur posts keep up the good work my friend

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