Weekend Team

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Weekend Team

Post#1 » 18 Sep 2018, 00:27

Hey Everybody,

Long time no see... I was wondering how many players from weekend team still come back to the forums?

I'm considering getting back a team together of us on Horde, at least just clearing Heroic Uldir while we build up to a Mythic size roster. If anyone is still out there and if there is enough interest I'd be glad to bring it back to the glory days.


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Re: Weekend Team

Post#2 » 18 Sep 2018, 08:23

Most of the core is still 'around', I see them on battle.net tags, but they're raiding with other teams for the most part....
-------- Stormrage - Alliance
Bellarionna - 110
Fiachro - 100
Lytheriah - 100
Barlick - 100
Kunjal - 100
Lyzebel - 100
Euphus - 100
Veylla - 100
Anatou - 100
Shalla - 100
Maevissa - 100
Kazgru - 98
Zadey (90) / Annabark (92) - Retired
-------- Bleeding Hollow - Horde
Selyndia - 90
Onetunn - 87

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Re: Weekend Team

Post#3 » 21 Sep 2018, 07:49


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