Ante Meridiem's Official Logs

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Ante Meridiem's Official Logs

Post#1 » 30 Jun 2009, 12:28

Here is the link for Ante Meridiem's Logs! The entire guild uses just one site for all our logging!

Warcraft Logs

Logs are usually run live, however, sometimes they may be uploaded after a raid or the next day.

Feel free to take a look at the logs and see what kind of dps we can dish out and how you would stand in some dps head-to-head comparisons.
-------- Stormrage - Alliance
Bellarionna - 110
Fiachro - 100
Lytheriah - 100
Barlick - 100
Kunjal - 100
Lyzebel - 100
Euphus - 100
Veylla - 100
Anatou - 100
Shalla - 100
Maevissa - 100
Kazgru - 98
Zadey (90) / Annabark (92) - Retired
-------- Bleeding Hollow - Horde
Selyndia - 90
Onetunn - 87

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