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Hi :)

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 22:06
by Philpoo
Hi Everyone!!

First of all thanks for the email Veylla... I read it with a big grin. I have a quiet day at work today so I thought I'd drop by and say hello. :)

I don't know how many of you remember me... or even know of me for that matter. It has been ages since I last logged on to WoW! I have so many fond memories from raiding through The Burning Crusade. We shared lots of heartache and laughs back in that expansion's raid dungeons. It felt like we spent an eternity in Serpentshrine Caverns and Black Temple. We were good at most of the encounters... even great at a few of them, but sometimes we were not so good at a few of the others... haha! :lol:

Living in Sydney, Australia and being raid leader for an American morning raid team meant that I would be raiding at anywhere from 11PM to 4AM depending on daylight savings and our progress. Somehow I kept my 9-5 office job through my raiding career even though I called in sick or turned up late on many days. :oops: I think I would call in sick or turn up late to work more often than calling in sick or turning up late to my raids! haha

There were so many people that came into our raiding lives... some stayed for the long haul and some not so long. I do recall a few hussies dropping by from other servers. They seemed to drop by only to string along some lonely raiders' hearts and then leaving shortly after because they usually couldn't get enough attention LOL!

There were so many really memorable characters!! Lots of people from other countries, people in the air force/navy/army, night shift workers, MANY stay at home mums (who liked me because I was a good boy right? ;)) and even stay at home dads too! I'm sure not much as changed right? I'm assuming there are less Australians in the raid team nowadays hehe.

It was really great dynamic we had. Because we raided in the mornings, it meant that our raid team had a higher than average age than most raid teams. But even though we were older, we seemed to have the most fun when making rude and immature jokes with each other as we raided.

I wasn't much of a fan for PvP but we sure had some fun PvPing as a guild in random battlegrounds. This was way before any of this cross realm stuff happened. So we usually stomped whatever random people that fought us.

I believe I spent close to 6 years playing WoW and all I can say is that it was an emotional, but enjoyable journey that I have no regrets about. Many people that knew of WoW but didn't play it could never understand what online gaming meant for me.

I haven't spent much time on online gaming in the last few years. Work got a bit crazy and I found myself a wife in the meantime. I've been happily married now for almost a year! No cute little babies yet though :D but I'm sure we'll have some soon. I find myself gaming on my phone to kill time nowadays. So many games to play, so little time.

I have no idea who's still playing nowadays. We had so many friends across different guilds during and after TBC. I'm hoping some people that remember me will come out of the woodwork and reply, especially all the flirty people I met while raiding, male and female LOL!

I hope that this guild can live on strong until they shut down the servers!

With Love,
Philpoo (male Gnome warrior)
Wiper (female Draenei priest)
Kukuri (female Gnome mage)
Evanescent (male Night Elf rogue)

Re: Hi :)

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 23:37
by Bellarionna
Philpoo, my dear old friend,

I miss your wit and sense of humor... I miss all the Auzzy gang from the prime of the guild in TBC, the server, and ultimately the game.

A lot has changed in WoW, you wouldn't know what to do if you came back! /hint /poke

For old times sake, you should log on, have a bit of fun, level, just to check it out. A lot of good changes, imo, but a lot that aren't so great, imo as well.

Definitely keep in touch!

Re: Hi :)

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 08:23
by Chariss
Someone finally tied you down! She must be AWESOME! I am very happy for you and thrilled that all is going well. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

You must stop by and say hi more often or even log in just because :)

Re: Hi :)

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 08:31
by Tigridia
OME! Hi, Philpoo!

On a break from WoW myself, just taking care of the website now. I've often longed for the good old days of the Philpoo era. Happy to see you're doing well. :)

Re: Hi :)

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 08:39
by Tiziana
Hey Phil - hope you are well!


Re: Hi :)

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 13:19
by Ragnaar
Hey Philpoo!!!!

When Chariss told me you posted on the forums I had to sign back up to the AM forums. I am so happy to hear you found happiness in the real world and a wife as well. I stopped playing seriously as well after our adventures in BC tanking with you and Kinson. How I miss the Hyjal trash!!! I still play randomly from time to time but I think our 5 day a week schedule plus our (4am for me) Sunday raids in Zul Aman took its toll. I know Hariann and Yasy still played when I took my 2nd break from wow a year ago. Just started back up again just to mess around doubt I will do anything serious.

Knowing you back them I'm sure you are working on the little one or at least having fun in the process. Its about time someone settles you down! Feel bad that we never kept in contact. Feel the same way about Ellexus, Marcus and Cashios who I don't think play anymore. The game is no longer about meeting people like it used to be atleast that's the way I feel. Its all about the easy epics. No raiding I have done ever feels like those first Archimonde and Illidan kills. No raiding environment has ever felt like AM did back then.

Any games you might play on your phone now that the rest of us play? Hope to hear from you again Phil!

Re: Hi :)

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 14:12
by DarthCanibal
Glad to see you doing well Philpoo! (This is Galarathor, former resto druid...couldn't stay away from the end game content). Melee channel isn't the same like it was in the old days, neither is vent without you or Raymos. Come back and visit more often we need some of that gnome spunk

Re: Hi :)

Posted: 06 Dec 2013, 14:56
by Ffran
My mentor!

Glad to see you're well!
