PM: Heroic Malkorok Kill Screenshots

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PM: Heroic Malkorok Kill Screenshots

Post#1 » 10 Dec 2013, 10:09

I really didn't want to post these because they look I was waiting to see if anyone else had any to post. I think everyone who had some sort of ground or graphic effect popped it. I tried to time the screenshots between the Mights, Kings, Tranqs, Rings of Frost, Halos, etc and failed miserably. By the time all the effects were gone, people were already making their way to the next boss. Hopefully in the future we can get screenshots without all the crap and if nobody else has any of our first Malkorok kill we can snap a couple after next weeks kill. These are the best three of the bunch where you can somewhat see the characters. Not sure if they are front page worthy but thought I'd post them anyway. Thanks.




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