Alternative Group Runs - RULES

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Guild Master
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Alternative Group Runs - RULES

Post#1 » 09 Mar 2014, 15:08

Welcome to the new location for organized WoW groups running non-Locked content. We're trying to both organize where we post non-Raid Team Scheduled runs and also incorporate our public community (Guild Friends and Guests) into the fun!

What is an organized WoW Group?

An organized WoW group is exactly what it sounds like. 5-man, 25-man, LFR, Flex, Heroic... If it's a group and you're looking for more, this is the place to look!

What does non-locked mean?

This means that the content being organized is content that your raid team isn't currently running OR you are planning on utilizing a toon other than your Raid Team character to attend.

Who can host a run?

If you can read these forums and you have an account on our site, you can post here to host your group!

Are these sponsored by Ante Meridiem?

These groups can be hosted by Guests, Guild Friends and Guild Members. The guild, as a whole, does not support these groups. We are just supplying a location to organize them. The individual who posted the group request is the one running the group.

If I post a response to a group run does that guarantee me a spot in that group?

Not necessarily. The individual hosting the group will make the ultimate decision on who will attend the run. They may prefer a certain group make-up, they might not want competition for loot, or perhaps your ilevel or experience isn't to their liking. The choice is ultimately theirs.
-------- Stormrage - Alliance
Bellarionna - 110
Fiachro - 100
Lytheriah - 100
Barlick - 100
Kunjal - 100
Lyzebel - 100
Euphus - 100
Veylla - 100
Anatou - 100
Shalla - 100
Maevissa - 100
Kazgru - 98
Zadey (90) / Annabark (92) - Retired
-------- Bleeding Hollow - Horde
Selyndia - 90
Onetunn - 87

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