Heroic Blackrock Foundry - First 3-4 bosses

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Heroic Blackrock Foundry - First 3-4 bosses

Post#1 » 21 Apr 2015, 19:18

First 3-4 bosses on Heroic Blackrock Foundry... maybe 5 depending on who shows. 8:30pm start.

Weekend sponsored, a few items on reserve (see:HERE)

Alts and Non-Raiders welcome as long as your ilevel is 660+... Looking for a nice clean run, so please bring flasks, food etc.

Calendar invite is up, please add yourself to that if you plan on coming... 'tentative' is silly, either commit or don't please. I can't plan around 'tentative'

-------- Stormrage - Alliance
Bellarionna - 110
Fiachro - 100
Lytheriah - 100
Barlick - 100
Kunjal - 100
Lyzebel - 100
Euphus - 100
Veylla - 100
Anatou - 100
Shalla - 100
Maevissa - 100
Kazgru - 98
Zadey (90) / Annabark (92) - Retired
-------- Bleeding Hollow - Horde
Selyndia - 90
Onetunn - 87

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