HFC ret pally gear list

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HFC ret pally gear list

Post#1 » 02 Jun 2015, 16:52

Hi fellow rets (and others)--

I stumbled upon a spreadsheet like this over on the MMO Champ forums for BRF gear and found it really helpful. Particularly so for thinking about whether I wanted to roll on a piece of gear and/or bonus roll on a given boss. Generally it just helped give me a view at a glance of all the gear in the raid instance. I think this way of visualizing loot across an entire raid might be even more helpful to me in HFC because of the gradual ilvl bumps across the bosses.

I kept the format and have added in the HFC loot for rets and thought I'd share. Feel free to take a look and use it if you like. I imagine it could be tweaked for holy or prot pallies and maybe any/all plate wearers (I suspect the trinket and weapon sections would need the most work). Obviously it could also just be completely redone to fit any other class/spec. Oh, also, the secondary stats on some of the gear might change between now-on-the-PTR and live so just a heads up (e.g., just last week mastery was added to some of the tier pieces in place of some other secondary).

The top half of the spreadsheet is gear arranged by slot. The "Option" columns are arranged left to right in order of best-ness in slot. In the "Option 2" column I've bolded what look to me like the 3 possibilities for off-tier set pieces (because of higher ilvl). Ultimately I'm guessing we'll want the 720 Archimonde shoulders, but for many of you I imagine mythic pieces might come into play as good off-tier options (or, I guess that's an option for any of us, what with the mythic caches from garrison missions).

The bottom half of the spreadsheet is a list of bosses and the amount of gear they drop, its ilvl, if they drop tier, if they drop BiS, and notes. The notes are my own idiosyncratic thoughts so don't pay too much attention to them :) This is just another way of visualizing the gear in the raid.

At the very bottom I've left the Seal Use Priority section blank for now. In BRF I used that to create a priority order of bosses for bonus rolls to help ensure that I'd have a seal available for the bosses I definitely, definitely wanted to roll on (why, hello Ms. Flamebender).

Feedback welcome. Enjoy!
Should be an Excel file in there
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