If you decide to bot!

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If you decide to bot!

Post#1 » 23 May 2016, 09:30


I'm going to start by saying this is not directed at our Rogue app who was recently banned. I have defended him in G chat in the respect that he received and understands his punishment and didn't deserve extra malice from guild members. No reason to salt the wound guys

So this popped up during PM team's raid last night in conversation. And I heard a few people talking about how " as long as you do it on a second account". Insinuating that as long as you adhere to that you can bot and not have to worry about losing anything valuable.

Firstly. Just fucking don't. Literally WoD is the anti farming expansion. If you feel you have to bot for ANYTHING you've achieved a new low. You might as well have a bot do all your garrison missions for you because that's literally all the effort it takes to farm mats these days.

Secondly. I may have to review guild policy again but I'm pretty sure AM doesn't condone ANY type of botting/cheating/exploiting. I feel as if you do so and are caught you should forfeit your raid spot. That's not my call just my personal opinion. I don't like raiding with people who feel 3rd party programs are necessary to play WoW.

Thirdly. And this may just be a reiteration of the second half of the above statement but if I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to raid with botters. Sure you may be safe if you use a separate account. Sure if you are caught and banned on your main account the people in group with you might not and probably 100% will not be punished BUT to me it is not worth the risk. As someone who lost an original Vanilla account that was present at the opening of AQ, that had hand of Adal, that had many non recoverable items, due to jacked login information in an era where authenticators didn't exist and I didn't have an ID to send to blizz to recover the account, I will not put this account at risk. That includes putting as much distance between myself and cheaters as possible. I'm truly sorry you can't bring yourself to stare at a fishing pole for a few hours but that is not worth any risk, however minute, to my account. I trust our raid leaders implicitly. I trust that if they find out or it is brought to their attention that a raid member is botting/exploiting they will take care of the issue. But if for whatever reason it remains unresolved then I will not be raiding with that person period. No questions asked.

No I'm not making a threat. I just want to be 100% clear with a reviewable statement that if someone on one of our teams bots and continues to do so I will not be raiding with them whatever situation that may incur.

TL;DR Don't fucking bot. You're worthless if you do and I refuse to raid with you or be around you.
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Re: If you decide to bot!

Post#2 » 23 May 2016, 09:59

The purveyor of common sense. Thank you for elucidating what I find conspicious.
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Re: If you decide to bot!

Post#3 » 23 May 2016, 10:03

You might find it conspicuous but from what I heard last night not everyone shares that viewpoint. It was scary how many people seemed to be ok with it.
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Re: If you decide to bot!

Post#4 » 23 May 2016, 10:24

Horses are good and beautiful animals. High horses are eating a bit too much grass.

I understand your hatred for botting, I'm right there with you. But this big sweeping judgmental statement from atop said horse is only going to cause drama that you've shown you don't want directed at you.

There is a time and a a place for protest of such things but whether or not you meant it to sound like it, threatening all your fellow raid members doesn't endear you to anyone. People expect things like this to be said from people in a position of authority otherwise it just sounds hollow and accusatory.

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Re: If you decide to bot!

Post#5 » 23 May 2016, 10:34

Argalin wrote:Horses are good and beautiful animals. High horses are eating a bit too much grass.

I understand your hatred for botting, I'm right there with you. But this big sweeping judgmental statement from atop said horse is only going to cause drama that you've shown you don't want directed at you.

There is a time and a a place for protest of such things but whether or not you meant it to sound like it, threatening all your fellow raid members doesn't endear you to anyone. People expect things like this to be said from people in a position of authority otherwise it just sounds hollow and accusatory.

Did you read the post at all? Where would the drama come from besides people who are for botting? I even stated it wasn't a threat. Just a statement of fact. I know for a fact not a tear would be shed if I left nor would it hinder the team in the slightest. And last time I checked any member of the guild is allowed to state policy. Nothing I have ever done with the PM team has been to endear anyone to me.

Fact of the matter is there are people in this guild who thinks it is ok to bot. I made this post purely for the purpose of letting those people know that botting isn't accepted by the guild and should not be accepted by team members. I speak for myself and no one else.

To insinuate I'm atop a high horse is arrogant even for you Argalin. Please try to stay on topic or don't respond. And as far as where people "expect these things to come from", any team member is allowed to state guild policy and their opinions on a PUBLIC forum. I have not accused anyone individually. Merely stating the actions I'm willing to take to protect myself. You don't agree with those actions? That's too bad. Its my $15 a month not yours.
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Re: If you decide to bot!

Post#6 » 23 May 2016, 10:42

I've been hacked before right around the time authenticator came out now mind you if someone else is bottting it shouldn't trickle any sort of repercussions to those who aren't. We who don't shouldn't be and I don't think I've heard of any persons being punished for someone else botting. If someone chooses to do so then that's their choice. Shouldn't reflect on those who refrain from such actions.

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Re: If you decide to bot!

Post#7 » 23 May 2016, 10:44

Stormstout wrote:I've been hacked before right around the time authenticator came out now mind you if someone else is bottting it shouldn't trickle any sort of repercussions to those who aren't. We who don't shouldn't be and I don't think I've heard of any persons being punished for someone else botting. If someone chooses to do so then that's their choice. Shouldn't reflect on those who refrain from such actions.

Entirely true Storm and I agree with you but as someone who has personally witnessed a rogue GM before its not a risk I wish to expose myself to.
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Re: If you decide to bot!

Post#8 » 23 May 2016, 10:49

You mean he was punished for someone else using a bot. Or he himself was using a bot? I doubt our GM here is using any sort of bot system. Aslo I doubt anyone of leadership position is using such a thing and if it's against guild policy I would expect those in the guild to not be using such things no matter how small it is.

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Re: If you decide to bot!

Post#9 » 23 May 2016, 10:56

Stormstout wrote:You mean he was punished for someone else using a bot. Or he himself was using a bot? I doubt our GM here is using any sort of bot system. Aslo I doubt anyone of leadership position is using such a thing and if it's against guild policy I would expect those in the guild to not be using such things no matter how small it is.

No I mean a rogue Game Master. A blizzard employee. When LFR first came out it was for Dragon Soul. There was a glitch for a few days where you could use any engineering bomb to bug the twilight drakes before Ultraxion. I watched one person do it then next thing I know half the raid DC's at the same time. They didn't leave the group just disconnected. They were able to log back in immediately and after chatting with one of them I found out they had called customer care to ask why the game had kicked them. What they were told was a "disgruntled employee" had taken advantage of his powers and kicked those people. He got about half way through when he was stopped by an in game mechanic preventing GM's from doing this very thing.

It is possible for Blizzard employees to have bad days and who knows the damage they can cause before they're stopped. Luckily it was only a disconnect and not a ban.
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Re: If you decide to bot!

Post#10 » 23 May 2016, 11:34

Proof wrote:
Argalin wrote:Horses are good and beautiful animals. High horses are eating a bit too much grass.

I understand your hatred for botting, I'm right there with you. But this big sweeping judgmental statement from atop said horse is only going to cause drama that you've shown you don't want directed at you.

There is a time and a a place for protest of such things but whether or not you meant it to sound like it, threatening all your fellow raid members doesn't endear you to anyone. People expect things like this to be said from people in a position of authority otherwise it just sounds hollow and accusatory.

Did you read the post at all? Where would the drama come from besides people who are for botting? I even stated it wasn't a threat. Just a statement of fact. I know for a fact not a tear would be shed if I left nor would it hinder the team in the slightest. And last time I checked any member of the guild is allowed to state policy. Nothing I have ever done with the PM team has been to endear anyone to me.

Fact of the matter is there are people in this guild who thinks it is ok to bot. I made this post purely for the purpose of letting those people know that botting isn't accepted by the guild and should not be accepted by team members. I speak for myself and no one else.

To insinuate I'm atop a high horse is arrogant even for you Argalin. Please try to stay on topic or don't respond. And as far as where people "expect these things to come from", any team member is allowed to state guild policy and their opinions on a PUBLIC forum. I have not accused anyone individually. Merely stating the actions I'm willing to take to protect myself. You don't agree with those actions? That's too bad. Its my $15 a month not yours.

My two cents.......if someone bots, they knows the repurcussions, they can deal with it. Also, I wouldn't get this worked up over it Proof. There are much bigger issues in life than botting on an mmorpg.

Before we cast judgement on people who bot, we better make sure we do nothing at all at anytime wrong in life. I'm against botting, but if someone does it, they will get busted.

Botting = 1st World Problems

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Re: If you decide to bot!

Post#11 » 23 May 2016, 11:46


I'm going to start by saying this is not directed at our Rogue app who was recently banned. I have defended him in G chat in the respect that he received and understands his punishment and didn't deserve extra malice from guild members. No reason to salt the wound guys

So this popped up during PM team's raid last night in conversation. And I heard a few people talking about how " as long as you do it on a second account". Insinuating that as long as you adhere to that you can bot and not have to worry about losing anything valuable.

Firstly. Just fucking don't. Literally WoD is the anti farming expansion. If you feel you have to bot for ANYTHING you've achieved a new low. You might as well have a bot do all your garrison missions for you because that's literally all the effort it takes to farm mats these days.

Secondly. I may have to review guild policy again but I'm pretty sure AM doesn't condone ANY type of botting/cheating/exploiting. I feel as if you do so and are caught you should forfeit your raid spot. That's not my call just my personal opinion. I don't like raiding with people who feel 3rd party programs are necessary to play WoW.

Thirdly. And this may just be a reiteration of the second half of the above statement but if I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to raid with botters. Sure you may be safe if you use a separate account. Sure if you are caught and banned on your main account the people in group with you might not and probably 100% will not be punished BUT to me it is not worth the risk. As someone who lost an original Vanilla account that was present at the opening of AQ, that had hand of Adal, that had many non recoverable items, due to jacked login information in an era where authenticators didn't exist and I didn't have an ID to send to blizz to recover the account, I will not put this account at risk. That includes putting as much distance between myself and cheaters as possible. I'm truly sorry you can't bring yourself to stare at a fishing pole for a few hours but that is not worth any risk, however minute, to my account. I trust our raid leaders implicitly. I trust that if they find out or it is brought to their attention that a raid member is botting/exploiting they will take care of the issue. But if for whatever reason it remains unresolved then I will not be raiding with that person period. No questions asked.

No I'm not making a threat. I just want to be 100% clear with a reviewable statement that if someone on one of our teams bots and continues to do so I will not be raiding with them whatever situation that may incur.

TL;DR Don't fucking bot. You're worthless if you do and I refuse to raid with you or be around you.

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Re: If you decide to bot!

Post#12 » 23 May 2016, 11:50

Well there's 5 minutes I'll never get back

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Re: If you decide to bot!

Post#13 » 23 May 2016, 11:51

i agree with proofs statement
if you bot and are part of one of our teams and some how ur ass is still in guild consider urself lucky cause ive seen leaders ( example pm one year there had a bunch of people banned and numi showed them the door friend or not) we usually remove boters in a heart beat we have no time for raiders who knownly jeperdize there team and spot so if ur still in guild like i said consider urself lucky cause its on the leaders call if u stay or not .

my 2 cents
Last edited by Skeletor on 23 May 2016, 11:54, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: If you decide to bot!

Post#14 » 23 May 2016, 11:52

Pippay wrote:Well there's 5 minutes I'll never get back

Thats your own fault. You were warned it was a rant lol
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Re: If you decide to bot!

Post#15 » 23 May 2016, 11:57

Skeletor wrote: i agree with proofs statement
if you bot and are part of one of our teams and some how ur ass is still in guild consider urself lucky cause ive seen leaders ( example pm one year there had a bunch of people banned and numi showed them the door friend or not) we usually remove boters in a heart beat we have no time for raiders who knownly jeperdize there team and spot so if ur still in guild like i said consider urself lucky cause its on the leaders call if u stay or not .

my 2 cents

I figured this would be the case and if there's botting once it's brought to the surface guild leadership will deal with the rule breakers.

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