Article on the experience girl gamers in WOW

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Article on the experience girl gamers in WOW

Post#1 » 12 Feb 2011, 11:08

I found this to be an interesting thread and knowing my wife had issues with other girl gamer in other guild, I was wondering what our own girl gamers experiences have been like.


Re: Article on the experience girl gamers in WOW

Post#2 » 12 Feb 2011, 12:02

I had that same issue before I switched servers and went to this guild. Its mostly why I don't talk as much unless I know the people who I am raiding with. Other wise I pretend I don't talk so they can't tell if I am a girl or not. Its more fun when I am playing Slug my male toon. There are a lot of crazy women in this game, but I never had a problem in this guild. Last guild I was in there were 2 other women who were both very needy, flirty and extremely two sided.
The lady always wanted every raid to go her way, if people were reward something and she didn't get it there was a fit, even if it was on her alt and they were on their mains. She would start guild raids and not include everyone who signed up. She would speak behind peoples back. The last straw I had of her was when the guild was switching to this server. She was upset that the gm didn't tell people a head of time they were moving servers and g quit asap. I chose to stay there until the very end to help other people out. The Lady was expecting me to follow her and her every move. When a friend was starting a guild I had put my alt in there with every intention of putting my main in that guild. Before I could put my main in there that lady had a fit of why I didn't put my main in the guild sooner and should just get rid of guild that was falling apart. After that she wouldn't talk to me, invite me to do anything, and latte told me to get rid of her. I switched servers, joined this guild. I would come back to that server to check up on things and she basically told me she doesn't want to hear about how things are going for me. She didn't care that I got into amazing guild and that I loved my new server. I wrote her fine I will never talk to you again and have a good life. Bitches... I can tell you this that never had problems with the women in this guild, or really anyone for that matter. Well there might have been a few that have come in and out of the guild. Chariss, Shaaria, Peepz and a few others have been good to me. :) Plus if there was some waco crazy person who was trying to take over the guild Bell would put them in their place. You guys are the best.


Re: Article on the experience girl gamers in WOW

Post#3 » 12 Feb 2011, 12:56

I've never had a problem with other female gamers, myself. I rather enjoy the company of the ladies in this guild. :)


Re: Article on the experience girl gamers in WOW

Post#4 » 12 Feb 2011, 23:40

My absolute biggest problem, and huge beef;
I've been in several guilds where girls were... shall we say... using the fact that they were a girl to get ahead. With the exception of AM every guild I've been in has had at least one whiny, "i should get everything and get it free" girl in guild. I haven't had issues with them attacking me like the girl in the link went into, however I can say that after playing WoW for years it totally pisses me off to see a girl using it for free items. There's been some extreme cases, where guys in guild will pay for "the guild darling" to raid, pay for her flasks, pots, repairs. I was even in one guild where a girl managed to wrap several guys around her finger and received free money for expensive mounts (The CE one and every netherdrake) and various other cosmetic items. It was no secret when the guys in the guild were spending days farming for her. It's not jealousy that I'm relaying this either, she pretty much burned through them. Each one of these guys she used eventually left the guild, or left the game, when she either decided their usefulness was over or pretended to quit. To this day I have no idea why they kept her, I was in that guild over a year and the fact that she would get voted (it was a LC guild) for items over other players of her class nearly made me rage, especially since she wasn't good, didn't have to try for her materials to raid, and the real fun one... almost never showed up. I can say I will never, ever forget her. She was whiny. She brazenly flirted in vent. She was full of incessant complaints. She is the entire reason I hate speaking on vent and why I spent the better part of three years pretending I was a male.

Personally I don't see a problem with girls being flirty as long as they don't get ahead with it. I feel like I work for my epics, I apologize to the RL or even raid team if I make a mistake like anyone should. I attempt to better my raid knowledge, techniques and awareness whenever possible. I farm or pay for everything I need and I feel other girls should as well. In all honesty the amount of girls using sexy vent talk to get items has decreased over the years, either guys have smartened up or they've thrown a tantrum and quit (hopefully they quit).

I can say one absolutely great thing though, AM has a lot of females, and by far it has been the best bunch I've met. =)


Re: Article on the experience girl gamers in WOW

Post#5 » 13 Feb 2011, 13:14

This immediately reminded me of a irl female priest from Circle of Assassins, back when I was in it and it was around, that was 'in' with a few officers. At the time we had a mix of dkp and loot council during AQ and the priest was 'allowed' to go from her priest, to rogue to hunter and managed to fully gear up each one, with loot passing over more static members in their class. Eventually there was drama with the officers and members regarding this and I believe she was embarassed out of the guild because a lot of rumors were pouring out, especially in the wow forums.

Btw the girls in this guild are wonderful and I would hate to see any frivalous fights break out. Even if Tode is the new girl.


Re: Article on the experience girl gamers in WOW

Post#6 » 14 Feb 2011, 17:30

Dee did it.


Re: Article on the experience girl gamers in WOW

Post#7 » 14 Feb 2011, 20:52

Im a little worried about Rayssa calling her male toon "Slug". Im sure she just thought it sounded macho tho .. :lol:


Re: Article on the experience girl gamers in WOW

Post#8 » 14 Feb 2011, 21:31

My male toon Sluginator was manbearpig before I switched servers. Manbearpig was taken and only could think of a slug. lol Those long boring tired nights really get to your brain.

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