What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi series?

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What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi series?

Post#1 » 31 Dec 2011, 09:13

Favorite Space Base Sci FI series


B5- Great storytelling, lots of aliens and political intrigue and it shows a realistic universe in which all races are out for there own competitive advantage....unfortunately the spin offs and made for tv movies were just bad and casted a dark shadow on this show.

Star trek (all series) I loved the story telling but the series drifted away from its conservative cold war influence stories, original star trek, to the "we should all love each other" utopia stories, Enterprise..Seriously they need to burn all evidence that the Enterprise series even existed....one last thing...Captain Kirk is the "Man" and Picard IS NOT.

Firefly- WOOT space cowboys...the characters make this series awesome, if you don't know what this is then go to Netflix and stream the series and the movie "Serenity". This is easily the best Sci-Fi show that got canned too early.

Farscape - out of the major series, I think Farscape is the most creative in creating alien characters and landscapes, but I think what put people off of the show was that it was a significantly dark bit of story telling..l The lack of hope and irrelevant funny moments by the main characters is what killed this show.

Stargate Sg-1 - Colonel O'Neill, Major carter, Daniel and Tielk are all that matter in this series and makes it great...the stories are fun and always have a hint of conspiracy in them. Anything else with the stargate moniker can just be thrown into the trash.

Star Wars- stories had no depth at all but it was fun and flashy, except for ESB, the story in that one was awesome probably because George didn't direct it. I loved and dreamed of being Luke as a kid but when Lucas started to remake them in '96, the magic just dwindled away as soon as I saw that he changed "the Han solo shot first" scene. They should make a law that film maker can't change their films once they arrive at the theaters.

Dr. Who- my introduction to Sci-Fi as a kid was Tom Baker as Dr. Who and I love watching it..The stories are character driven with suspense as the primary literary tool and not action. Some people think it is too fantastical and depending on the charisma of the person playing the doctor the series is either really good or very bad.

Lexx- Easily the craziest friggin Sci Fi show ever, but it's very addictive to watch. Lexx is very hard to describe fairly...the easiest breakdown is to say that its a group of misfits escaping bad guys and flying through the 2 universes inside of a bug the size of Manhattan.

Battlestar Galactica- out of the major series this is my least favorite but I know a lot of folks that absolutely love it. I actually enjoyed the original and the 1980 series (even though you can see the strings on the ships) but the newest incarnation was very soap operie with producers of the show trying to entice more women to watch it, everyone has a secret dark past and I just didn't it enjoy much

There are lots of other space based Sci-Fi series out there that I didn't mention because I didn't think they were either relevant enough or they, I just didn't care for them or they were Anime' . Don't get me wrong there are some great anile like cowboy bebop and robotech but Anime is filled with tons of different space based series and I wanted to stick with live action series.


Re: What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi serie

Post#2 » 31 Dec 2011, 13:50

Star Trek all the way... except for that Enterprise series, what a load of crap that was. All time fav ST series has to be DS9 followed by the original series - TNG and Voyager are about the same for me. Every other space sci-fi live action comes after... although I have not yet seen Firefly, I have been meaning to, but I keep forgetting about it. Will update after I've watched some this weekend.


Re: What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi serie

Post#3 » 31 Dec 2011, 14:50

I really enjoyed DS9 and I think it had a strong influence on Micheal Stracynski for B5...The original is my favorite but that because of all the marathons I watched with my dad as a kid then TNG then DS9...voyager is where the stories started going the utopia route but was still interesting to watch ....then the last series "which should not be named" just killed it for me.

If you liked TNG you should watch The big bang theory since that have Will Wheaton on it alot, along with the Brent Spiner and Levar Burton..its a very funny comedy:)


Re: What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi serie

Post#4 » 01 Jan 2012, 00:55



Maal's paladin was named after Mal from the series! ^_^

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Re: What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi serie

Post#5 » 06 Jan 2012, 10:26

Babyalon 5, FireFly.... and really no one said Red Dwarf yet? BattleStar was good too...
Sorry bear rides are for Viola only.


Re: What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi serie

Post#6 » 06 Jan 2012, 11:38

Merien wrote:Babyalon 5, FireFly.... and really no one said Red Dwarf yet? BattleStar was good too...

My buddy Juan ,that worked with me at the Nokia plant, tried to get me into red dwarf and I did watch a few episodes when it was on TV but it was pre netflixs and I couldn't get into it. I do have it queued up for another try but just don''t have the time since yo jabba jabba and blue clues takes up most of the TV time these days.


Re: What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi serie

Post#7 » 06 Jan 2012, 14:54

Merien wrote:Babyalon 5, FireFly.... and really no one said Red Dwarf yet? BattleStar was good too...

Red Dwarf wasn't bad, but I don't think it ranks up there with the more known series... at least from my point of view, that is.

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Re: What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi serie

Post#8 » 06 Jan 2012, 17:49

Andromeda. I had such a crush on Lexa Doig (Rommie).
The Champ Is Here.


Re: What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi serie

Post#9 » 06 Jan 2012, 18:14

Cremate wrote:Andromeda. I had such a crush on Lexa Doig (Rommie).

I haven't seen that in ages /goes to google and searches for Lexa Doig


Re: What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi serie

Post#10 » 06 Jan 2012, 22:29

Tharia wrote:
Cremate wrote:Andromeda. I had such a crush on Lexa Doig (Rommie).

I haven't seen that in ages /goes to google and searches for Lexa Doig

Dang it ...i forgot a good one bad sadly when they spent the final season on that retarded planet it killed the series for me


Re: What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi serie

Post#11 » 07 Jan 2012, 03:59

Pretty much a SCI-FI/Fantasy freak since god knows when, oh wait... Original Chainmail, paperback editions...Call of Cthulhu... sigh. Seriously, I loved all those series ;) Red Dwarf was really hard to get into but if you were a Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy fan, then it was just fine. Of course, watch all of the Dr. Who for as far back as I can remember.

and for those who don't remember - Godzilla was considered Live Action Sci-FI as well ;) I think Ultraman sp? was also one back then too ;)

My daughter would smack me silly if I didn't mention that Sailor Moon was also classified as Live Action Sci-Fi even though it was Anime heheh, I think the Japanese were a little more flexible in that area. Many of the Anime were classified in this area too. Weird ;)

Ahh.. the memories... time to go put them back into the box..



Re: What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi serie

Post#12 » 07 Jan 2012, 09:03

Alrcari wrote:My daughter would smack me silly if I didn't mention that Sailor Moon was also classified as Live Action Sci-Fi even though it was Anime

Live action = human people on the tv screen, not cartoon characters. Whoever classified that must have been drunk or hopped up on something.... or just plain stupid. Also, Sailor Moon wasn't a sci-fi at all. Just because something in a series happens in outer space doesn't mean it's sci-fi. Sailor Moon was classed as a multi-genre of adventure, magical girl, romance, comedy, drama, fantasy.

As for Ultraman... dayum... I actually had forgotten about him. The name seemed so familiar but I just couldn't place any character with it.... until I looked with Google and it all came flooding back. lol


Re: What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi serie

Post#13 » 07 Jan 2012, 18:15

Tharia wrote:
Alrcari wrote:My daughter would smack me silly if I didn't mention that Sailor Moon was also classified as Live Action Sci-Fi even though it was Anime

Live action = human people on the tv screen, not cartoon characters. Whoever classified that must have been drunk or hopped up on something.... or just plain stupid. Also, Sailor Moon wasn't a sci-fi at all. Just because something in a series happens in outer space doesn't mean it's sci-fi. Sailor Moon was classed as a multi-genre of adventure, magical girl, romance, comedy, drama, fantasy.

As for Ultraman... dayum... I actually had forgotten about him. The name seemed so familiar but I just couldn't place any character with it.... until I looked with Google and it all came flooding back. lol

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: a 49 episode live action series directed by Ryuta Tasaki ran from October 4, 2003, to September 25, 2004. There were also two direct-to-video releases: a sequel (Special Act), and a prequel (Act Zero). ;)

Edit: Oh, the real they supposedly classified it as "sci-fi" was because the Sailors received their powers from the planets and the sailor (senshi's) castles also known as "Solar system castles" are castles given by Queen Serenity, following their births, to the solar system princesses. These castles appeared in the manga only, the first mention of them is during the "Dream arc" (act 41) when the senshis ask for more power to help Sailor moon.

Like I said, go figure ;) heheh



Re: What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi serie

Post#14 » 08 Jan 2012, 04:50

Wiki Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
Wiki Tokusatsu Japanese genre

In a nutshell, not a sci-fi. I apologize if my persistence seems hostile, it's not my intention.


Re: What is you favorite live action space base Sci-Fi serie

Post#15 » 08 Jan 2012, 08:59

Omg!! Sailor Moon!! <3

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