Wildstar Guild Now Formed!

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Wildstar Guild Now Formed!

Post#1 » 07 Jun 2014, 10:18

We found it a bit inconvenient to continuously check on vent to see if anyone needed [Insert Piece of Gear that Dropped While Questing]... and then mail it. Or try to communicate forming a group through whispers. In order to make it easier to find a group, trade gear, communicate, etc... I have created Ante Meridiem in Wildstar. Noone had the urge and/or the gold required to open it previously.

This is an at-will casual guild for levelling. Meaning, you come and go as you want. If you find another guild that offers more raiding, PvP, stuff you are looking for, etc... join it. As of right now I have zero plans for trying to develop this into an established end game raiding guild or anything of the sort, and would gladly turn over the reigns to someone who wanted to put forth the effort to create an established guild. This is just a home for those of us coming over from WoW, while we level, ask questions, and group for dungeons.

We need "Influence Points" to get things like bank tabs and experience boosts for levelling. To my knowledge Influence points are just like guild experience in WoW. We gain these by members doing quests, running dungeons, etc... So the more the merrier, whisper me (In-game name is "Newport") for an invite if you are interested.

If you befriend people in Wildstar that are decent and mature... invite them to the guild. All members have invite capabilities (Officers and above have remove capability, if any invites turn out to be bad apples).

Guild Name: Ante Meridiem
Server: Storm Talon

Whisper "Newport" or anyone else already in the guild for invite.

Join the squad!
The Champ Is Here.

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