Information and Application

Progression into Mythic!

Monday 7pm - 10pm (mythic dungeon keys and logs review)

Wednesday 7pm-10pm
Thursday 7pm-10pm

Only 6-9 hours per week!
Mythic Raid Leader
Mythic Raid Leader
Posts: 1021

Information and Application

Post#1 » 06 Aug 2020, 18:42


Raid Schedule

Wednesdays: 7pm - 10pm
Thursdays: 7pm - 10pm

*Note: All times are Stormrage Server Time (EST)

Raid Goals

This is a Mythic raid team. To be clear, I expect everyone on this team to work together and better themselves. I expect all raid team members to take criticism and self accountability with the understanding it is not an attack. We can not get better without working issues out.

Loot Rules

Loot for raiders has changed in BfA to personal loot, but pieces not needed or have the same ilevel of a raider will be distributed via /rolls for main-spec. Leadership will prioritize off-spec pieces to people who are commonly asked to switch roles for the raid team as, for example, only healers use spirit and spirit does not switch on gear in the same way intellect and agility does.

Shadow lands introduced weapon and off-hand tokens. Once you have received your first weapon/off-hand token and you get another that is not needed for main spec will be distributed via /rolls for main-spec to the raid team.

For applicants, you will only receive loot that full members do not need for the first two weeks of your application. After that time period, you are eligible to /roll main-spec against all other raiders for gear.

For BOE's (Bind on Equip) they will be distributed via /rolls for main-spec only if the person who received the piece does not need it for main-spec. If not needed for main-spec after rolls, they will be put in the guild bank for 2 weeks. They will be available to all raiders for half the AH price for off-spec or alts. If still no one wants/needs they will be put in the AH. This helps fund materials for well-feds, flasks, enchants, and repairs.

**WARNING: If you undermine or get caught undermining the loot rules you will be removed from the guild.

Application Process

1. Register with the website.

2. Copy the application below, create a post in this forum that is titled exactly as it's listed below, then paste the application into your new thread. Fill out the application there.

3. You should expect a response shortly after applying (within 2 to 3 days). All responses will be posted on your application. Members may critique your gear, spec, talents, etc. You are welcome (and expected) to respond.

4. If your application is approved, I will invite you to the guild as an "Applicant" to continue the application process. If I don't believe you're a good match for the team, I will deny your application.

5. During this time period you will be expected to raid with us, and you will be evaluated on several factors. This period (trial + initiation) lasts a minimum of 4 raid weeks, but can last up to 6.

7. If your performance is up to par and you mesh well with the team, you will be promoted to full member. If not, however, you will be asked to leave.

For any questions, contact: Ljay (Ljay#11286), Maxamix [Maxamix#1987], or Dethstalker [deth007#1357]

Application Title and Setup

Simply copy and paste the application below into a new post in this section. Once posted, members will comment and ask you questions on spec, gear, etc. We expect timely responses, so please check back often.

Please title your post as designated below. This is our first insight into how well you are able to follow directions, so pay attention!

AM Mythic Team : Your name : Your Class (Spec)

For example:

AM Mythic Team : Pretolkos : Shaman (Resto)

*Notice the use of spaces to make your title clear and easy to read.

Required Software

- Discord
- DBM, or other method of keeping track of boss cooldowns
- Details
- Exorsus raid tools

Guild Requirements
If you do not meet the minimum requirements, do not apply.

1. You MUST be the current max level.

2. You MUST know how to play your class well. Basically 50% parses.

3. You MUST be geared appropriately. Your ilvl isn't critical, but you have to be able to handle current content.

4. You MUST learn to die with dignity and not complain.

5. You MUST bring a POSITIVE attitude and want to succeed. Negative attitudes will not be tolerated.

6. You MUST have a stable internet connection and basic communication skills. Our primary language in this guild is English.

7. You MUST commit to 90% raid attendance.

8. You MUST check and read raid team forums and Discord.

9. You MUST have an Authenticator attached to your account.

10. You MUST look over your logs each week. To see where you can improve.

11. You MUST be over 18 years old.

12. You MUST fill out the application in its entirety. Failure to do so is an automatic pass due to not following directions.

Thanks for your interest and application!

Mythic Raid Leader
Mythic Raid Leader
Posts: 1021

Re: Information and Application

Post#2 » 06 Aug 2020, 18:55

Character - Main
This section is for the character you would be bringing into the guild as your main character.
Character Name:
Special Character Codes:

What is your gear level:
Primary Spec:
Secondary Spec:

Current Server:
Armory Link: Link:
Battle Tag ID:

* Please make sure the armory shows your character in your main spec gear!

Raid Schedule

All times are Eastern / Server

AM Mythic Raid Team
Wednesday/Thursday = 7:00pm - 10:00pm

Invites go out 5 minutes prior to raid start. We don't pull after 10pm, though our last attempt may go a few minutes over.

Are you able to commit to the team's raid times with at least 90% attendance?

Is there anything that would cause you to drop out of raiding or be permanently unavailable at our times in the next three months?

Looking at your raiding schedule over the next three months, are there any dates that you foresee not being available (work trips, vacation, etc.)?

The Player

What is your first name?

How old are you?

Where do you live?

What is your raiding experience? Here is your chance to brag and list all of your raiding experience as far back as you can. Please only include content that you experienced when it was considered "current".

Guild History

What guild are you in now and why do you want to leave that guild?

What is your motivation/reason for wanting to join Ante Meridiem?

Have you ever raided with Ante Meridiem in the past, on this or any other toon?

The Character

How long have you been playing the class / spec that you are applying on?

Are you able to competitively play your off-spec, especially if it's a different role? If so, that will dramatically increase your chances of getting a spot.

New Team Members

Although the size of mythic raiding team is not as flexible, we may sometimes have to ask a raider to sit because we can’t afford to have an additional tank/healer/dps in on the pull. Do you understand and accept this?

If you do not perform adequately on a fight, you will also be asked to sit so that the team isn’t required to carry you. Do you understand and accept this?


We require our members to be able to speak on Discord when it will help with communication and downing bosses. Do you have a working microphone that you are willing to use during raid to make a call-out, if I ask you do to so?

We require that you view the forums/discord regularly but at least daily prior to raids in order to keep up with strategies, suggest ideas, answer questions, and provide feedback. Are you willing to do this?

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