Emerald Nightmare (Normal): 7/7
Emerald Nightmare (Heroic): 7/7
Emerald Nightmare (Mythic): 7/7
Trials of Valor (Normal): 3/3
Trials of Valor (Heroic): 3/3
Trials of Valor (Mythic): 2/3
Nighthold (Normal): 10/10
Nighthold (Heroic): 10/10
Nighthold (Mythic): 3/10
2016-09-22 - Thursday (Bonus Day)
Normal - Nythendra
Normal - Ursoc
Normal - Dragons of Nightmare
Normal - Il'gynoth of Nightmare
Normal - Elerethe Renferal
Normal - Cenarius
Normal - Xavius
2016-09-23 - Friday
Heroic - Nythendra
Heroic - Ursoc
Heroic - Dragons of Nightmare
2016-09-24 - Saturday
Heroic - Il'gynoth of Nightmare
Heroic - Elerethe Renferal
Heroic- Cenarius
2016-09-30 - Friday
Heroic- Xavius
2016-10-07 Friday
Mythic - Nythendra
2016-10-14 Friday
Mythic - Elerethe Renferal
2016-10-21 - Friday
Mythic - Ursoc
2016-10-22 - Saturday
Mythic - Dragons of Nightmare
2016-11-10 - Thursday (Bonus Day)
Heroic - Odyn
Heroic - Guarm
2016-11-11 - Friday
Mythic- Il'gynoth of Nightmare
2016-11-19 - Saturday
Mythic- Cenarius
Mythic - Xavius
2016-12-03 - Saturday
Heroic - Helya
2016-12-23 - Friday
Mythic - Odyn
2017-01-06 - Friday
Mythic - Guarm
2017-01-17 - Tuesday (Bonus Day)
Normal - Skorpyron
Normal - Chronomatic Anomaly
Normal - Trillax
Normal - Spellblade Aluriel
Normal - Krosus
Normal - Star Augur Etraeus
Normal - High Botanist Tel'arn
Normal - Tichondrius
Normal - Grand Magistrix Elisande
Normal - Gul'dan
2017-01-19 - Thursday (Bonus Day)
Heroic - Skorpyron
Heroic - Chronomatic Anomaly
Heroic - Trillax
Heroic - Spellblade Aluriel
Heroic - Krosus
Heroic - Star Augur Etraeus
Heroic - Tichondrius
2017-01-20 - Friday
Heroic - High Botanist Tel'arn
Heroic - Grand Magistrix Elisande
2017-01-21 - Saturday
Heroic - Gul'dan
2017-01-28 - Saturday
Mythic - Skorpyron
2017-02-04 - Saturday
Mythic - Chronomatic Anomaly
Mythic - Trillax