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Tired of these yet?

Posted: 28 Jun 2016, 05:51
by Sonick
Early morning Junkrat ownage.

Re: Tired of these yet?

Posted: 28 Jun 2016, 09:29
by Tyronian
Never gets old!

Honestly the most satisfying to watch was you taking out Tracer in that third clip. She drives me nuts.

Also... how do people just stop paying attention to you?! In those first two POTGs you are *right there*! That Solider76 just straight ignores you!

Re: Tired of these yet?

Posted: 28 Jun 2016, 10:02
by Avellyra
we need to teach our kids how to record their plays of the game! They totally get them even though it is against AI.

Re: Tired of these yet?

Posted: 28 Jun 2016, 11:43
by Sonick
It is crazy how many people ignore junkrat Tyr, especially with as aggressive as I play it. We had the same 12 people for 5 games and I got potg 3 of those games.

I have recorded a couple of Kaiden's potg's Ferrea. I have never actually seen them play against AI. I uploaded one of his POTG where he went 27-3 as Pharah. I couldnt believe it.

Re: Tired of these yet?

Posted: 28 Jun 2016, 12:23
by Avellyra
CJ and I may stay home Friday. I will let you know so we can record some. You will have to teach me so I can record for CJ. Too bad you work so late. I play with one of the top junkrats when I'm online. His id is profkaos.

Re: Tired of these yet?

Posted: 28 Jun 2016, 12:45
by Sonick
Let me know if you do, I'll be around til 6pm Eastern Friday.

I'm getting there... ... 8/heroes/2


Re: Tired of these yet?

Posted: 28 Jun 2016, 13:23
by Avellyra
ya he got upset because he is now number 36 junkrat. I need to be getting more mercy time in. I only have 9 hours into her. I let CJ play more than I do.

Re: Tired of these yet?

Posted: 28 Jun 2016, 13:26
by Sonick
Haha nice. Kaiden plays a lot more than me too, but he knows to not touch my junkrat!