AM Raid Team: Progression History

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Guild Master
Guild Master
Posts: 13603

AM Raid Team: Progression History

Post#1 » 27 Oct 2008, 07:39

AM Raid Team

AM Raid Team formed about 6 months prior to the end of Vanilla WoW. The Guild Master was unable to raid during "prime raiding hours" due to working a second shift position. The guild started off as a group of friends running early morning 5-man dungeons that slowly ramped up to Zul'Gurub and the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. Eventually, towards the end of the expansion the guild was fully clearing Molten Core and the first boss in Blackwing's Lair as well as ZG and AQ10 on lockout. Since the guild was only getting its feet wet in Vanilla, we'll skip posting the kills done there.

All of these kills were completed when the content was considered relevant and prior to any end-expansion patches that significantly made content easier.
Last edited by Bellarionna on 27 Oct 2008, 07:48, edited 2 times in total.
-------- Stormrage - Alliance
Bellarionna - 110
Fiachro - 100
Lytheriah - 100
Barlick - 100
Kunjal - 100
Lyzebel - 100
Euphus - 100
Veylla - 100
Anatou - 100
Shalla - 100
Maevissa - 100
Kazgru - 98
Zadey (90) / Annabark (92) - Retired
-------- Bleeding Hollow - Horde
Selyndia - 90
Onetunn - 87

Guild Master
Guild Master
Posts: 13603

Re: AM Raid Team: Progression

Post#2 » 29 Apr 2013, 20:47

The Burning Crusade

Raid Leader:
Bellarionna - Start to Serpentshrine Caverns
Philpoo and Kickaha - Serpentshrine Caverns to End

Gruul's Lair

High King Maulgar

Gruul's Lair Complete!

Magtheridon's Lair


Magtheridon's Lair Complete!

Serpentshrine Cavern

Hydross The Unstable
Luker Below
Fathomlord Karathress
Leotheras the Blind
Moragrim Tidewalker
Lady Vashj

Serpentshrine Cavern Complete!

Tempest Keep: The Eye

High Astromancer Solarian
Kael'thas Sunstrider

Tempest Keep: The Eye Complete!

Caverns of Time: Mount Hyjal

Rage Winterchill

Caverns of Time: Mount Hyjal Complete!

Black Temple

Shade of Akama
Teron Gorefiend
Gurtogg Bloodboil
Reliquary of Souls
Mother Shahraz
Illidari Council

Black Temple Complete!

Sunwell Plateau

-------- Stormrage - Alliance
Bellarionna - 110
Fiachro - 100
Lytheriah - 100
Barlick - 100
Kunjal - 100
Lyzebel - 100
Euphus - 100
Veylla - 100
Anatou - 100
Shalla - 100
Maevissa - 100
Kazgru - 98
Zadey (90) / Annabark (92) - Retired
-------- Bleeding Hollow - Horde
Selyndia - 90
Onetunn - 87

Guild Master
Guild Master
Posts: 13603

Re: AM Raid Team: Progression

Post#3 » 29 Apr 2013, 20:47

Wraith of the Lich King

Raid Leader:
Philpoo and Kickaha - Start to Late Ulduar
Meliven and Kickaha - Late Ulduar to End

Unfortunately our record keeping during the early parts of this expansion were lacking at best. I apologize for not having better dates. If the name is listed, it was killed.

November 13th, 2008 the second expansion for the World of Warcraft is released and so begins a whole new set of challenges to conquer. What follows is a history of sorts, of Ante Meridiem's march across Northrend.

Naxxramas (Naxx25)

Originally released as a 40-man raid in 1.11, rereleased with The Wraith of the Lich King 3.0
After the defeat of Kel'Thuzad in the Eastern Plaguelands, Naxxramas has returned to Northrend and now hovers above the Carrion Fields in the Dragonblight, where it lays siege to the Alliance stronghold of Wintergarde Keep.

Grand Widow Faerlina
Noth the Plaguebringer
Heigan the Unclean
Instructor Razuvious
Gothik the Harvester
The Four Horseman

Naxxramas Complete!

The Chamber of Aspects

The Chamber of Aspects, also known as the Chamber of the Aspects, is a secret chamber where the five great Dragon Aspects would convene whenever they wished to meet. Contained within is the lair of Sartharion the Onyx Guardian and Halion the Twilight Scourge.

Obsidian Sanctum (OS25)

Sartharion - Shadron, Tenebron, Vesperon = Killed

Sartharion with Tenebron up - Shadron and Vesperon = Killed

Sartharion with Tenebron and Vesperon up - Shadron = Killed

Sartharion with Tenebron, Vesperon and Shadron up

Obsidian Sanctum Complete!

Added in patch 3.3.5 (June 29th, 2010)
Ruby Sanctum (RS25)

07/02/2010 - Halion

Vault of Archavon (VoA25)

VoA is the home of elemental watchers. Each release coinsided with the beginning of an Arena season and could only be battled when your faction owned Wintergrasp.

Archavon the Stone Watcher

Added for patch 3.1.1 (April 21, 2009)
Emelon the Stormwatcher

Added for patch 3.2.1 (September 1, 2009)
Koralon the Flamewatcher

Added for patch 3.3.2 (February 2, 2010)
Toravon the Ice Watcher

VOA Complete!

The Eye of Eternity (EoE25)

The home of the Blue Dragon Aspect Malygos who has gone crazy. The Red Dragonflight has enlisted our intrepid adventurers to put her down once an for all!


Eye of Eternity Complete!

Ulduar (Uld25)

Once the stronghold of the titans in Northrend and now prison to the Old God of death. Similar to Obsidian Sanctum, this raid instance encompassed the idea of encounter based Hard Modes and also introduced a vehicular combat raid boss.

Flame Leviathan
Ignis the Furnace Master
Iron Council
General Vesax
Yogg Saron

Ulduar Complete!

The Argent Crusade

The second major content patch for WotLK, included this little ditty of an instance that introduced to new important concepts for future raids, Gating and exclusive Hard Modes.
So the Argent Crusader gathered menacing creatures from around Northrend to challenge all comers to prepare them for the assault on Icecrown Citadel!

Trial of the Crusader (ToC25)

08/07/09 - Northrend Beasts

08/14/09 - Lord Jaraxxus

08/22/09 - Faction Champions

08/28/09 - Twin Val'kyr

09/07/09 - Anub'Arak

Trials of the Crusader (Normal) Complete!

Trial of the Grand Crusader (ToGC25)

Onyxia's Lair (Ony25)

Originally a classic level 60, 40-man raid located in Dustwallow Marsh. Onyxia was given a make-over and retuned to level 80 in honor of Warcraft's 5 year anniversary.

Released in patch 3.2.2 (September 22, 2009)


Onyxia's Lair Complete!

Icecrown Citadel (ICC25)

Leading up to the final confrontation with the dreaded Lich King, ICC is an expansive raid instance that employed gating to release the different content wings... Who can defeat the Lick King and save Northrend from his Tyranny!?!

12/11/09 - Lord Marrowgar
12/12/09 - Lady Deathwhisper
12/14/09 - Gunship Battle
12/19/09 - Deathbringer Saurfang
01/09/10 - Festgut
01/11/10 - Rotface
01/25/10 - Blood Princes
02/22/10 - Professor Putricide
03/02/10 - V Dreamwalker
03/16/10 - Blood Queen
04/09/10 - Sindragosa
05/08/10 - Lich King

Icecrown Citadel (Normal) Complete!

Icecrown Citadel - Heroic (ICC25 - HM)

Now that the final confrontation with Arthas has been overcome and a new Lich King has been crowned, the challenge continues with more difficult versions of the original Icecrown Citadel bosses!

05/13/10 - Gunship Battle
05/13/10 - Rotface
06/07/10 - Blood Queen Lana'thel
06/18/10 - Lord Marrowgar
06/19/10 - Festergut
07/03/10 - Valatrhia Dreamwalker
07/05/10 - Blood Prince Council
07/23/10 - Lady Deathwhisper
07/23/10 - Deathbringer Saurfang
10/23/10 - Proffesor Puitricide
11/06/10 - Sindragosa
-------- Stormrage - Alliance
Bellarionna - 110
Fiachro - 100
Lytheriah - 100
Barlick - 100
Kunjal - 100
Lyzebel - 100
Euphus - 100
Veylla - 100
Anatou - 100
Shalla - 100
Maevissa - 100
Kazgru - 98
Zadey (90) / Annabark (92) - Retired
-------- Bleeding Hollow - Horde
Selyndia - 90
Onetunn - 87

Guild Master
Guild Master
Posts: 13603

Re: AM Raid Team: Progression

Post#4 » 29 Apr 2013, 20:47

The Cataclysm

Raid Leader:
Pretolkos and Ljay

Unfortunately our record keeping during the early parts of this expansion were lacking at best. I apologize for not having better dates. If the name is listed, it was killed.

Bastion of Twilight

Halfus Wyrmbreaker
Theralion and Valiona
Ascendant Council

Bastion of Twilight (Normal) Complete!

Bastion of Twilight - Heroic

Blackwing Decent

Omnotron Defense System
Nefarian's End

Blackwing Decent (Normal) Complete!

Blackwing Decent - Heroic

Throne of the Four Winds

The Conclave of Wind

Throne of the Four Winds (Normal) Complete!

Throne of the Four Winds - Heroic


Majordomo Fandral Staghelm

Firelands (Normal) Complete!

Firelands - Heroic

09/23/2011 - Heroic Shannox
09/24/2011 - Heroic Rhyolith
10/24/2011 - Heroic Alysrazor
11/07/2011 - Heroic Beth'tilac
11/14/2011 - Heroic Majordomo Fandral Staghelm

Dragon Soul

Yor'Sahj the unsleeping
Warlord Zon'izz
Warmaster Blackhorn
Spine of Deathwing
Madness of Deathwing

Dragon Soul (Normal) Complete!

Dragon Soul - Heroic

01/13/2012 - Heroic Morchok
02/10/2012 - Heroic Hagara
03/03/2012 - Heroic Yor'Sahj the unsleeping
03/10/2012 - Heroic Warlord Zon'izz
03/17/2012 - Heroic Ultraraxion
04/16/2012 - Heroic Warmaster Blackhorn
06/30/2012 - Heroic Spine of Deathwing
07/13/2012 - Heroic Madness of Deathwing

Dragon Soul (Heroic) Complete!
-------- Stormrage - Alliance
Bellarionna - 110
Fiachro - 100
Lytheriah - 100
Barlick - 100
Kunjal - 100
Lyzebel - 100
Euphus - 100
Veylla - 100
Anatou - 100
Shalla - 100
Maevissa - 100
Kazgru - 98
Zadey (90) / Annabark (92) - Retired
-------- Bleeding Hollow - Horde
Selyndia - 90
Onetunn - 87

Guild Master
Guild Master
Posts: 13603

Re: AM Raid Team: Progression

Post#5 » 29 Apr 2013, 20:48

The Mists of Pandaria

Raid Leader:
Pretolkos and Ljay - Start to Late Mogu'shan Vaults
Pippilongear, Gifted and Ljay - Late Mogu'shan Vaults to Throne of Thunder
Pippilongear, Bacontime and Somisareg - Throne of Thunder
Pippilongear, Mynnahok and Tiziana - Siege of Orgrimmar Normal
Mynnahok, Envious and Kzar - Siege of Orgrimmar
Envious, Kzar and Norion - Siege of Orgrimmar
Norion, Plethoras, Rhaeven and Marel - Siege of Orgrimmar to End

Mogu'shan Vaults

10/12/2012 - Stone Guard
10/13/2012 - Feng the Accursed
10/13/2012 - Gara'jal the Spiritbinder
10/20/2012 - Spirit Kings
10/27/2012 - Elegon
11/05/2012 - Will of the Emperor

Mogu'shan Vaults - Heroic

01/21/2013 - Stone Guards
01/26/2013 - Feng the Accursed
01/28/2013 - Gara'jal the Spritbinder
02/04/2013 - Elegon
02/22/2012 - Spirit Kings

Heart of Fear

11/05/2012 - Imperial Vizier Zor'lok
11/17/2012 - Blade Lord Ta'yak
12/01/2012 - Garalon
12/14/2012 - Wind Lord Mel'Jarak
12/17/2012 - Amber Shaper Un'Sok
01/12/2013 - Grand Empress Shek'zeer

Heart of Fear - Heroic

02/11/2013 - Blade Lord Ta'yak

Terrace of Endless Spring

Protectors of the Endless
01/07/2013 - Protectors of the Endless (ELITE)
01/14/2013 - Tsulong
01/14/2013 - Lei Shi
01/19/2013 - Sha of Fear

Throne Of Thunder

Jin'rokh the Breaker - March 8th, 2013
Horridon - March 8th, 2013
Council of Elders - March 9th, 2013
Tortos - March 11th, 2013
Megaera - March 15th, 2013
Ji-Kun - March 18th, 2013
Durumu The Forgotten - March 23rd, 2013
Primordius - March 25th, 2013
Dark Animus - March 25th, 2013
Iron Qon - April 6th, 2013
Twin Consorts - April 8th, 2013
Lei Shen - April 20th, 2013

Throne Of Thunder - Heroic

Jin'rokh the Breaker - April 26th, 2013
Ji-Kun - May 25th, 2013
Horridon - May 31st, 2013
Tortos - June 7th, 2013
Iron Qon - June 10th, 2013
Twin Consorts - June 29th, 2013
Council of Elders - July 3rd,, 2013
Megaera - July 12th, 2013
Primordius - July 13th, 2013
Durumu - August 3rd, 2013
Dark Animus - August 19th, 2013

Siege of Orgrimmar

Immerseus - September 13th, 2013
Fallen Protectors - September 13th, 2013
Norushen - September 13th, 2013
Sha of Pride - September 13th, 2013
Galakras - September 14th, 2013
Iron Juggernaut - September 14th, 2013
Kor'kron Dark Shaman - September 14th, 2013
General Nazgrim - September 16th, 2013
Malkorok - September 16th, 2013
Spoils of Pandaria - September 20th, 2013
Thok - September 21st, 2013
Siegecrafter Blackfuse - September 23rd, 2013
Paragons of the Klaxxi - September 23rd, 2013
Garrosh - October 5th, 2013

Siege of Orgrimmar - Heroic

Immerseus - October 3rd, 2013
Fallen Protectors - October 11th, 2013
Norushen - November 27th, 2013
Sha of Pride - December 14th, 2013
Galakras - November 30th, 2013
Iron Juggernaut - November 23rd, 2013
Kor'kron Dark Shaman - November 30th, 2013
General Nazgrim - January 13th, 2014
Malkorok - February 10th, 2014
Spoils of Pandaria - February 24th, 2014
Thok the Bloodthirsty - March 3, 2014
Siegecrafter Blackfuse - June 23, 2014
-------- Stormrage - Alliance
Bellarionna - 110
Fiachro - 100
Lytheriah - 100
Barlick - 100
Kunjal - 100
Lyzebel - 100
Euphus - 100
Veylla - 100
Anatou - 100
Shalla - 100
Maevissa - 100
Kazgru - 98
Zadey (90) / Annabark (92) - Retired
-------- Bleeding Hollow - Horde
Selyndia - 90
Onetunn - 87

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