MIdnight: Alisyle: Mage (Frost, willing to go fire)

Heroic Progression into Mythic on a light schedule!

Tuesday 11:30pm-2:30am
Thursday 11:30pm-2:30am
Only 6 hours per week
Posts: 1

MIdnight: Alisyle: Mage (Frost, willing to go fire)

Post#1 » 15 Jul 2019, 14:00

Character - Main
This section is for the character you would be bringing into the guild as your main character.
Character Name: Alisyle
Pronunciation: Ally-sile (most people just call me Ali)
Special Character Codes:
What is your gear level: 412.38
What is your artifact level: 48
Class: Mage
Primary Spec: Frost
Secondary Spec: Fire
Current Server: Stormrage
Armory Link: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/chara ... ge/alisyle
Warcraftlogs.com Link: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/ ... e/alisyle#

(Warcraft logs link says I'm still in voltage but I'm not. Everything else should be right.)

Battle Tag ID: Cathandu#1208

* Please make sure the armory shows your character in your main spec gear!

Raid Schedule

All times are Eastern / Server

Midnight Raid Team
Tuesday/Thursday = 1130pm to 230am

Invites go out 5 minutes prior to raid start. We don't pull after 230am, though our last attempt may go a few minutes over if we are close to defeating the boss. Raid might end early if we are having difficulty on progressing that specific night.

Are you able to commit to the team's raid times with at least 90% attendance?


Is there anything that would cause you to drop out of raiding or be permanently unavailable at our times in the next three months?

Potentially college but I dought it. The schedules don't conflict at all.

Looking at your raiding schedule over the next three months, are there any dates that you foresee not being available (work trips, vacation, etc.)?

Not that I am aware of.

The Player

What is your first name? Kendall
How old are you? 20
Where do you live? Michigan

Here is your chance to brag and list all of your raiding experience as far back as you can. Please only include content that you experienced when it was considered "current".

Most of my raiding experience has been in legion and bfa. Before that I only did lfr. In legion, I was in a casual guild so we mostly did normal and a little heroic prog, but nothing serious. Outside of that guild I only really did heroic. In bfa, I left that guild and joined a heroic/mythic progression guild. Then I took a break to focus on not failing one of my core classes and missed most of uldir prog. Then I hopped back in and helped with heroic prog on BDA Then we were progging on Mythic Grong and the guild declined sharply so that's as far as I got.

Guild History

What guild are you in now and why do you want to leave that guild?

I left Voltage the day I'm posting this because they said they were going to come back and recruit for 8.2 and the guild lead won't respond to my pm's and hasn't been on for 3 weeks. I want to progress and they clearly have no intent to.

What is your motivation/reason for wanting to join Ante Meridiem?

Mostly I want a well-organized guild and you guys seem to be that. I wat to progress and get better at the game as I do and see you guys as an opportunity to do so while also meeting and hanging out with new people.

Have you ever raided with Ante Meridiem in the past, on this or any other toon?


The Character

How long have you been playing the class / spec that you are applying on?

Since the beginning of legion (she was my boost) I was fire for most of Legion and then switched to frost for Antorus. Total time played is 21 days, 1 hour, 56 minutes. At 120 I've been 8 days, 18 hours, 24 minutes.

Are you able to competitively play your off-spec, especially if it's a different role? If so, that will dramatically increase your chances of getting a spot.

I mean all mage roles are DPS but yes I can play fire pretty well but I'm probably a little rusty.
Arcane is very rough but I would be willing to research and learn it.

New Team Members

Although the size of Midnight raiding is flexible, we may sometimes have to ask a raider to sit because we can’t afford to have an additional tank/healer/dps in on the pull. Do you understand and accept this?


If you do not perform adequately on a fight, you will also be asked to sit so that the team isn’t required to carry you. Do you understand and accept this?



We require our members to be able to speak on Discord when it will help with communication and downing bosses. Do you have a working microphone that you are willing to use during raid to make a call-out, if I ask you do to so?


We require that you view the forums regularly but at least daily prior to raids in order to keep up with strategies, suggest ideas, answer questions, and provide feedback. Are you willing to do this?


Guild Member
Guild Member
Posts: 13

Re: MIdnight: Alisyle: Mage (Frost, willing to go fire)

Post#2 » 17 Jul 2019, 01:35

add me in battle net unistar#1167

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