One Bot Challenge!!

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One Bot Challenge!!

Post#1 » 24 Nov 2016, 09:36

I tend to view American Thanksgiving as the starting point for the holiday season, and no I am not one of those nut jobs who has everything bought for everyone on my list yet.

What is the One Bot Challenge? It's something I started on Facebook, and decided to expand to the guild this year. It's no secret I am a Transformers fan. It's also no secret that Transformers are for kids or those who are kids at heart.;) The One Bot Challenge is simple. I challenge you, while doing your holiday shopping to buy ONE NEW Transformer toy, and donate it to charity.

It doesn't have to be an expensive one, or a cheap one. Just one you feel you can afford and you think a child will like to receive as a gift during their respective holiday during this time of year.

Just as a note, despite multiple platforms for this challenge, I will only be buying one bot to donate myself this year.

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Re: One Bot Challenge!!

Post#2 » 15 Dec 2017, 13:48

Alright I am running late this year due to RL crap, but I am laying the challenge down again!

I donated a MISB Power of the Prime Autobot Jazz to a local charity to give to a child this Christmas!

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