Looking for a nice chunk of players interested in participating in a gDKP run on Wednesday 9/23 @ 8:30pm... Goal is heroic bottom 6 bosses. Depending on how many 'mains' we get factor in how many 'buyers' we get.
This is going to be a test run and if it goes well may be something we do more in the future.
Q: What is a GDKP Run?
A: A GDKP run is a full clear of a raid instance where all trash and boss loot that drops will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The combined Gold Pot from all Auction Sales will be split evenly 25-ways to everyone at the end of the raid.
Q: How Does it work?
A: Players bid on loot (in raid chat) with gold. The gold collected is put in to a pot and split evenly among players at the end of the run.
Q: What is the minimum gold required to get into a run?
A: There is no minimum requirement, however, most players tend to bring around 50k+ to spend on upgrades.
Q: What does it take to get in?
A: A good attitude, experience, and some nice pockets.
Q: If I leave early, DC, or rage quit, do I get my share of the pot?
A: No, the person who replaces you will receive that share of the pot.
Q: I bid on items I cannot use. I am a holy priest but am bidding on strength items because Im awesome.
A: All bids are final (If youre bidding on gear for someone else or just trying to increase the price thats fine). Just know if it backfires, you WILL be required to pay. Not doing so could cost you your share of the pot at the end of the run. Of course, there will be times where someone makes a mistake and accidently bids on an item they didnt mean to. These specific events will usually result in restarting the bid from the most relevant point.
Now for the Rules and Details
GDKP Rules
Anyone found intentionally hindering the run in any method (including the following actions) may be removed depending on the severity:
Not participating in the clearing of trash
Not participating in boss encounters
Being unresponsive via whispers/Ventrilo
Griefing other players
An individuals gear is not an indication of their expected performance.
All players invited must come with the understanding of their role. You are either here for your exceptional skill and abilities or your desire to purchase gear.
All items must be properly gemmed and enchanted. Even if you are undergeared, you should be willing to make some sort of effort.
Everyone is expected to perform at an acceptable level as judged by the raid leaders.
Attendees must have at least take the time to look up boss mechanics so youre not the only one who doesnt know what's going on. Those who do not have any experience whatsoever with the bosses will most likely not get into the raid.
It is recommended that you bring a sufficient amount of gold to the raid. If you dont have a lot of gold, chances are you will not be accepted over those who do have gold. You must have gold to join this raid. Even our mains/alts that are extremely geared will be bringing gold.
General Rules
Leaving the raid or being removed from the raid will deny you the opportunity to receive your cut of the pot at the end of the raid.
You forfeit your share of the pot if you have to leave early and/or need to be replaced. We want these GDKP runs to be as quick and painless as possible so you may be replaced if:
You AFK for more than 10 minutes without informing the raid leader.
You DC for more than 10 minutes
Spamming vent or raid chat will not be tolerated.
We want this to be an enjoyable run but also need to keep it somewhat serious
Trolling and mocking of players in a malicious fashion will not be tolerated.
Negative comments towards anyone purchasing anything will not be tolerated either. If you think someone bid way too much on an item, keep it to yourself.
Vent should remain clear during encounters as to allow the raid leader to speak.
Feasts will be provided.
Invites will start at 8:00 PM ST and the first pull will begin around 8:30 PM ST
Show up on time and be prepared to raid. We want these runs to be as successful as possible so we expect your full attention for the duration of the raid. If you need to afk for any reason, please make sure you notify the raid leaders.
You must have 2 1/2 hours available to raid. If you leave early, we will replace you and the new person that we replace you with will be getting your share of the gold.
All bidding will be done via the GDKP addon and all sales will be recorded on a spreadsheet (should the addon mess up) that will be available for everyone to see at the conclusion of the raid. You have the right to keep track of everything yourself in case you want to make sure.
Once bidding begins on an item, raid chat should remain clear unless bidding on said item.
We will be using the GDKPd addon to do all of the item auctions.
30 seconds will be allowed per item, resetting back to 30 seconds when a bid is made.
Once an item is closed with a winner, its final. All bids are final. The only exception is if someone DCs during an auction they are interested in buying. Be sure you dont make the mistake of typing 50,000 when you meant to type 5,000g.
Any unwanted items will be disenchanted and sent to bank of Ante Meridiem.
All items have a minimum starting bid and must be bid up in increments after a starting bid is placed:
All Tier gear will have a minimum bid of 10,000g
All jewelery/cloaks/trinkets will have a minimum bid of 8,000g
All other items will have a minimum bid of 5,000g
Distribution of the Pot
All gold collected from bids during the GDKP run will be distributed to the members present after loot is distributed after Gorefiend has been killed. Attendance prior to the last encounter is irrelevant. People who DC for an extended period of time will be kicked and replaced and no portion of the pot will be rewarded to DCd/AFK members.
All raiders eligible for gold at the conclusion of the run will receive an equal % of the Pot. In the event that a member is present for the final boss but cannot stick around for the distribution of loot/gold, their portion can and will be mailed to them (as long as said person notifies the raid leader).
Distribution of the gold will be taken care of after all of the loot has been handed out. Once you've been given your gold, you will be removed from the raid to make sure no one receives gold twice.
Final notes
Any of the above is subjected to change as needed. Attendees will be notified of any changes ahead of time.
For any uncovered questions, feel free to post here....
(I did steal most of this information from a post i googled, so please let me know if you see any errors or mistakes ie: instances/guild references/values/etc)