This is a PM hosted run(s), but all are welcome.
It normally takes us about 45 mins to clear Normal, or less, this is a quick, fun run thats done for the chance of upgraded loot, legionaries, AP and shits and giggles.
Heroic should take about an hour - hour and a half.
Few notes:
- These are not carry runs, I don't want your 810 alts nor plan on taking your buddy who just hit 110, but you're 890 ilvl and figured you'd carry him/her.
- Heroic ilvl reqs: 855+
- Normal ilvl reqs: 845+
- Personal loot will be used for both.
- No, you can't join just for the last boss.
- Mains take priority over alts for invites - applies to all teams.
Interested ?
Be on tonight (Wednesday) @ 7:30PM and watch gchat.