A Whole Lot of Superstars on this Stage Here Tonight...

But I Want Ya'll to Know One Thing - This is AM's House!
Whose House? AM's House!
Whose House? Say What? AM's House!
Whose House? Say What? AM's House!

Ante Meridiem's PM Raid Team Calling out the Horde Faction Champions. We was layin' down the skills and after only a short time we dropped those suckas with a flawless kill!

Congratulations to these AMPM thugs on their fat loot:

Gaug - Girdle of Bloodied Scars
Valajane - Cord of Biting Cold
Kamorin - Boots of the Mourning Widow

Let's not stop the KRAZY TRAIN now! Two more fights left before Ante Meridiem have Officially Rocked Your World!

In our Kill Shot AMPM is Rolling wit' our Pumpkins out to pay respect to The Headless Horseman... R.I.P. for another year our Badass Brotha' from another Motha' PEACE!
