Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

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Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#1 » 07 Sep 2015, 03:52

Me and Bell have tossed the idea back and forth a lot in the last year or so, but we will diving into Overwatch when we get access to the beta, and/or the game launches. Bell has a background in Counter Strike, and I have a background in Team Fortress 2.

Long story short, I will probably be trying to get a group of 4-6 of us who can get together and play a couple times a week. This would be a very casual thing, not really a set in stone schedule, no attendance requirements, etc... If you can't make it, you can't make it. The queue system will fill in the blank spots on our team regardless of how many we have.

You don't have to have experience in shooter games, and you don't have to be amazing. The simple fact that we are all on vent, will give us a huge leg up on the casual competition we will be facing. This is moreso just an open invitation for those of you that will be playing Overwatch, to join us to kick some ass together.

So who's down?

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Re: Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#2 » 07 Sep 2015, 11:53

I am totally down.

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Re: Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#3 » 07 Sep 2015, 12:07

I will be trying this game out
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Re: Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#4 » 07 Sep 2015, 12:55

I've played competetive call of duty, halo, and a counterstrike clone called "Urbanterror" (which was once extremely popular) for about 6 years now. I'll be happy to join your team.

I'd have to see the timing of the release as my team for call of duty are planning on competing again when black ops 3 releases.

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Re: Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#5 » 07 Sep 2015, 14:01

I am partial to support classes, i.e. I mained a healer for most of TF2... so I will probably be putting in some heavy time with Mercy.
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Re: Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#6 » 07 Sep 2015, 14:07

I am more of a specialist kind of guy with probably a little tank class here and there. Will be playing Bastion, Torbjorn, and Reinhart for the most part.

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Re: Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#7 » 07 Sep 2015, 15:09

I'll play anything we need. I really don't care about my role when it comes to FPS.

When I play call of duty, I'm usually a slayer (if you don't know what that means, means I kill people instead of playing for the objective) but I'm almost 100% sure that it won't be viable to play that way in overwatch.

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Re: Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#8 » 05 May 2016, 13:17

Many of us are on Overwatch now through it's open beta... I hope to play with you guys.

Send me a invite Cremate#1651
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Re: Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#9 » 05 May 2016, 13:20

Mmmmm Overwatch.

My Open play day is usually either Tuesday or Wednesday.

I'd like to lock in a day for playing as a group, even if it means i wont be available some weeks. start time around 8/8:15pm

Any preferences?
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Re: Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#10 » 05 May 2016, 13:29

My bnet coldstream#1197. I'm available weds/thurs.
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Re: Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#11 » 05 May 2016, 13:30

I am always down to have fun in Overwatch! Any day outside of normal PM raid days is good with the occasional PM raid day being good as well (until Legion!)


Re: Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#12 » 05 May 2016, 15:21

bruhhh im down. ive been practicing my genji skillsss

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Re: Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#13 » 05 May 2016, 15:29

I am always down for some Overwatch.

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Re: Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#14 » 05 May 2016, 15:29

Infe wrote:bruhhh im down. ive been practicing my genji skillsss

Can confirm


Re: Ante Meridiem Overwatch Group

Post#15 » 05 May 2016, 15:35

Pippay wrote:
Infe wrote:bruhhh im down. ive been practicing my genji skillsss

Can confirm

lol pip saw that assisted play of the game late last night!! TEAM KILL ya boy was on fire!

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