PM is on a roll!
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- Published on Monday, 09 November 2015 23:30
- Written by Bellarionna
What a fantastic week it has been on the PM Raid Team. Not only did they get Mythic Gorefiend down on Monday November 2nd, they followed it up with a Mythic Socrethar kill on Sunday November 8th AND a Mythic Iskar kill on Monday November 9th. Those kills bumped us from 19th to 17th on the server! Great job PM! Keep up the momentum!
Mythic Socrethar
Mythic Iskar
Halloween Costume Contest
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- Published on Sunday, 01 November 2015 21:26
- Written by Bellarionna
Ante Meridiem hosted its first ever Halloween Costume Contest this year! We had 31 entries submitted and went into great lengths to score each one accruately. Raid Leaders (5 total) from each team went through and scored each submitted photo on 4 categories.
1) Originality
2) Creativity
3) Background
4) Completion / Rules
Each category was scored 1-10 by each raid leader, giving the highest possible score of 40 and the lowest possible score of 4 from each raid leader. The scores were then averaged out to give you a final score between 4 and 40, where 40 was the highest possible score.
After careful consideration, here were the winners!
3rd - Schwarm - With a score of 33
2nd - Skeletor - With a score of 34
1st - Sensy - With a score of 36
Welcome back to the first page of Wowprogress!
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- Published on Saturday, 31 October 2015 23:30
- Written by Bellarionna
While walking down his broken staircase for the first time on Mythic, the discussion on Ventrilo was that most guilds take between 150 and 300 attempts to get a kill on Mythic Gorefiend. I brushed off the numbers being shouted around and challenged the team to get the kill in 100 pulls to prove that we are better than 'most other' guilds. With that challenge in mind, on attempt 97 Mythic Gorefiend fell pushing Weekend Raid Team to top spot in the internal guild progression once again and pushing Ante Meridiem as a whole to Server 19th and back to the front page of Wowprogress where we rightfully belong! Great job Weekend Raid Team! = Wowprogress - US Stormrage = Magnifeye's (Warlock POV) Video (Silent)
If a bunch of wisps could do it…
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- Published on Saturday, 10 October 2015 15:16
- Written by Pretolkos
The Heroic Team finished off heroic Archimonde, proving that a bunch of wisps have nothing on us. Congratulations to everybody on the team for successfully defeating every heroic boss in Warlords of Draenor while they were still current, all on a raid schedule of 6 hours per week!
The mighty Hellfire Council has been bested!
- Details
- Published on Monday, 28 September 2015 17:02
- Written by Bellarionna
Ante Meridiem's Weekend Raid Team has successfully defeated Bloodboil and his cohorts on Mythic difficulty not only pushing the guild to 4/13 Mythic, but for the first time in the history of the Weekend Raid Team propelled us to the top of the guild's progression list. After a disappointing start to the raid week on Friday, the team not only recovered but overachieved Saturday killing Council AND getting several solid pulls in on Mythic Killrogg.
Great work Weekend Raid Team!